Chapter 35

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I've been working with the hybrid witches for a week now. Most of them have advanced and gotten better, but there are still many of them that need to work on it. I haven't slept in a week and have been living off of coffee and energy drinks. There are so many spells to teach and so little time.

"Woah, It's so cool? I didn't know I could do this." One of the hybrid witches created her first fireball.

"Way to unlock your power, now I want you to throw it at the target, and if you miss you do it again and again until you hit the target. Got it." I said with a smile.

"Yes ma'am." She said.

"Don't call me ma'am!" I yelled.

"What do I c-call you?" She stuttered.

"Oh, Willa is fine. Now get to throwing fireballs!"

"Yes, Willa." She nervously said. I smiled and moved on.

"Now, all of those of you who are decently good at magic, get to hitting the books! I want all of you versed in any and every defense spell in every grimoire you have in the library! I will be testing you all so be prepared! Now for those of you who just discovered a new defense power, there are targets that need to be hit. Nobody leaves here until you hit twenty targets in a row! Got it!" They all responded nervously.

"Don't you think you're being a little harsh?" Liam said.

"I don't like being mean, but I have to be. I need to prepare them for the worst. The Coven witches are gonna throw any and everything at them and I just want to make sure they are all safe. If being mean gets them prepared, I will be mean. Also, I haven't slept in a week so I'm kinda cranky."

"Makes sense. What are you doing?" He asked as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Shh, just let me rest my head for a second. I feel like it's gonna explode." I said.

He didn't protest and sat there unmoving while I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes for a few minutes.

"You should go get some rest, I can watch over them." He said.

"Do you not understand what shh means? No talking, I just need a little bit of quiet." I said. He laughed which just irritated me further. Gosh, can everyone just shut up!" I yelled. Everyone around us went quiet.

"Woah, I think you're going crazy from the lack of sleep," Liam said. I glared at him.

"Nobody even think of anything. I can hear all of your stupid thoughts and it's driving me crazy. Yes, I know what you're all thinking, just be happy I don't have an anger issue or half of you would be wishing you weren't thinking what you are thinking. Now get back to what you're doing and stop your stupid thoughts. Got it!" They all nodded.

"Yeah, your anger isn't bad at all. Come one I'm taking you home to get some sleep." He said.

"Yeah, I don't think so," I said creating fireballs in each hand as a warning, but they quickly died out. My body didn't have much energy so neither did my magic. I could feel my legs give out, Liam caught me before I fell.

"Your body is even telling you to rest."

"Whatever," I said. I closed my eyes and let his warmth embrace me as he carried me towards the packhouse.

I woke up a few hours later still tired. I felt an arm around my waist and turned around to find Liam sleeping next to me. I smiled mischievously. I placed my hand over his arm and sent waves of lighting to it. He jumped up falling off the bed landing on the floor with a bang. I laughed.

"What the hell!" He yelled.

"Sorry, sleep magic," I said, still laughing. He got up not amused.

"You did that on purpose." He said.

"How would you know, you were asleep."

"Yeah until you electrocuted me. Why do you anyways a simple get-up would have been nice." He said.

"You were in my personal space and I didn't like it." He looked confused. "Why were you sleeping in the bed with me?" I asked him.

"Because it's my bed and I wasn't going to sleep on the floor."He answered.

"And what happened to your clothes?" Pointed out the fact he was only in boxer shorts. I mean I wasn't complaining he had a very nice body.

"It's not like I was going to do anything. I was tired and I fell asleep after putting you down. I didn't take advantage." He said.

"Considering I'm fully clothed, I could infer that. Relax. I just wanted a little fun. I'll get going now. I think I'd feel better sleeping in my own bed."I tried to open a portal, but it didn't work. My magic wasn't fully charged up yet. I needed at least another day to be back to my full strength. "I guess I'm walking home. Have a nice morning." I said seeing it was three a.m. He grabbed my arm before I could open the door, I just looked down at it, he quickly removed it feeling yet another jolt of electricity.

"How'd you do that? I thought that only came from your hands?" He asked.

"Nope, I can control where it goes. What do you want?" I asked.

"I'm coming with you."

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said.

"I get you are an independent woman and all and you can do things on your own, but I'm still coming with you. Your magic isn't that strong and your still tired, I just don't want you passing out on the forest floor and being eaten by wild animals." He said.

"Fine, but put some clothes on. I mean I don't mind the view, but still." I said realizing he was sorta right. He quickly dressed and we walked towards Ken's house. I rubbed my arms feeling the winter chills. It wasn't a long walk, but it sure felt like one with how quiet it was. I could feel the dizziness getting to me again. I stopped walking. Without warning, Liam picked me up.

"What are you doing?"

"You're sleepy and cold. Don't complain about it and just relax. I'll get you home quicker this way also." he said.

"Only because I'm tired," I said. I rested my head against his chest and closed my eyes. It was nice, but I wouldn't ever tell him that. He was right we got there a lot quicker with him carrying me than if I were to walk on my own. He placed me on my feet near the steps to the porch. "Thanks," I said. He gave a small smile. I turned and walked up the steps, I opened the door and walked in waving him goodbye and making sure he left before closing the door behind me. I walked towards the living room deciding I didn't want to walk up all the steps to get to my room. The couch was good enough. When I walked in, I saw a sleeping Jonah and Kennedy. Ken was laying on his lap while he sat up. The babies are also asleep in the playpen near their feet. I smiled at the scene, now this was a great family photo. I pulled out my phone and quickly snapped a photo. I decided to not disturb the lovely little family and headed upstairs to my room, once I hit the bed, sleep took over.

A/N- Sorry for the long wait for these chapters. So how do you like a little Willa chapter? Do y'all feel the chemistry between Liam and Willa? The next chapter Will be the Coven Takeover. Hope yall enjoyed it. 

XOXO~ Hawa 

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