Chapter 3

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We have been driving for days tracking down Jonah. He was a hard man to find. We got close to him a couple of days ago, but we lost the connection. He was moving around a lot meaning he wasn't going to be an easy find. I was getting irritated at this wild goose chance he was putting us through. Why couldn't he just stay in one place?

"Relax, we'll find him. It is just taking longer than we expected." Willa said.

"Why is he so hard to find? What is he doing that is making him jump from one place to another in a matter of twenty-four hours?" I said punching a wall.

"Woah there, you need to calm down. What is going on with you anyways, you are more hostile than usual." She stated.

"It's not me. These babies make me want to punch everything. My hormones are fueled by anger and frustration over not finding Jonah. I get the feeling it will be this way until we find him."

"I've been plotting all of the places he's been, and I think I might know why he is moving so much." I gesture for her to continue. " I remember reading an article about a dangerous rogue wolf getting loose, and how he was being tracked down. If this Jonah guy just so happens to be looking for this rogue, it would explain him moving around so much. He is tracking this rogue."

"How does this help us get to Jonah?" I asked her.

"I have no idea, all we can really do is keep following and hope he stops long enough for us to catch up." She said,

"All of this thinking is making me hungry," I said.

Willa laughed, "You just ate five cheeseburgers."

"Well they didn't satisfy me. I'm going to order more food, you want anything else?"

"Some more fires since you ate all of mine." She said, I laughed and headed to the front counter to order more food. Once I got our food, I walked back to our table.

"What's wrong?" I asked Willa.

"Well, it seems your baby daddy is headed our way. He's days away, but he is headed to this same town we are in." She said,

"Doesn't that make things easy for us?" I ask her.

"I don't know what this means." She said which scared me. Suddenly, a vision came on, there was a man, a knife and two women. It didn't take long for me to understand it was connected to us.

"Willa we need to get out of here, like now," I said. We got up and headed for the door. As we walked to the car, we saw three muscular men headed our way. We walked faster to the car, but before we could get in, we were knocked unconscious.

When I woke up, I was in the back of a truck. Willa was laying beside me still out cold. I couldn't tell who the driver was, or where we were going. I closed my eyes and tried a spell, it wasn't working. Looking down at the cuffs on my wrist, I sighed. Of course they would put anti-magic cuffs on us, but how did they know we were witches?

Willa groaned beside me getting up. She looked at me confused, then looked around.

"Good Morning Sunshine," I said to her, she rolled her eyes.

"Where are we?" 

"I think we are in the back of a murder van, but we could also be anywhere in the world." again she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up. Let me concentrate, maybe I can pinpoint where we are headed." She said.

"It's not going to work seeing as we have these on. Anti-magic cuffs. Whoever kidnapped us clearly knows we are witches."

"Do you think it's the coven?" She asked me.

"No, I already ruled them out. If they had found us, we would have already been back to Mystic Grove and magically sealed into a room until I give birth. My best guess is a magical serial killer." She laughed at my words.

"How can you be making jokes in a situation like this?"

"Simple really, I just let my mind go blank and say the first thing that comes to mind. Also, I'm thinking of a plan on how to get out of this without magic or dying." The van stopped moving, and we heard footsteps coming towards the back. The door was opened and these big muscular men grabbed us. We tried fighting to get out of their grips, but it was useless without magic. They dragged us to this weird looking house and threw us in a room.

"I guess those aren't regular men," Willa said.

"Definitely wolves, I can sense it," I said, Willa gave me a confused look. I pointed to my stomach where my hybrid babies were growing. "Half wolf babies remember. I could sense it when they grabbed us. I get the feeling I'm going to be experiencing a lot of wolf traits before these babies are born."

"Whoever took us must need something from us, I mean we are two powerful witches who would not kidnap us."

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see now won't we,'' I said. We were felt in the room for a while. I was getting tired and irritated. Willa tried her best to break through the cuffs, but it wasn't working. Right, when we were about to fall asleep from boredom, the door opened and a man walked in. He was honestly very good looking. Nice cheekbones, great body, beautiful hair, and gorgeous eyes. I took a deep breath in, and I could smell the blood on him. He obviously wasn't a good guy. Too bad he is really good looking.

"Hello ladies," he said.

"May I ask why we are here?" I said,

"You darling are my bait. You're going to help me kill an Alpha," he said. I had the feeling it wasn't anything good.

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