Chapter Seven

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Ladies and gentle men. When your mind tells you to leave a situation like this. You ditch! Run if you want. Just don't smile and say: "I don't like showing it." Because you know what happens. They question why? Starts. My mind is screaming run! But I'm just standing there faking a smile. My heart left me. It just ran away. Like goodbye! My brain is paralyzed repeating run... Every five seconds. They walk closer as I walk back. I open the door and finally listen to my brain. To late idiot. There steps are hot on my heels.

For girls that wear high heels they are fast runners. But I am faster. Shoes are helpful. But it sucks when they're slippery. If these girls are going to the party I am definitely not being there. I feel a hand on my hand as I'm pulled back and pinned against the wall. This shirt is impossible to pull the collar down. My mark won't be seen. One of the girls black eyes glare at me in hatred. The other is holding my neck choking at me. The girl choking me pulls out a knife. Why do they carry weapons? I look at her with wide eyes. I would tell her to stop. But each time I try it comes out as a gag. I grasp her hand trying to pull her off me. The other one grabs my arms causing me to lose my control. I start kicking them. Both...

I scream in terror as the blade goes across my cheek. One of my hands are set free as I instantly grab the hand with the knife. I try kicking her but my legs are being held. I can feel the blood run down my cheek. They. Reach for my color trying to see my mark. "I'm Nature!" I scream.

"Then why don't you show your mark." They struggle to speak.

"Because..." They stop waiting for me to answer. I try moving but the knife bald scrapes my side. I scream as a smile crosses there face. "Because what? I think we found our w-"

"I Don't have one!" I lied. They stop speaking and throw me on the ground. Throwing the bloody blade like it was diseased. "Why are you here?" The other one yells.

" hasn't developed yet." Oh dear what did I get myself into. They move back quickly. "You... You are an ordinary!" They say running leaving me on the ground. Don't go back to the bathroom. I run towards my room hoping Cindy wouldn't be there. Quickly I open the door and stare at the mirror.

I have a scrape on my cheek and my neck. I have a small yet noticeable bruise on the side of my lip. My shirt is ripped on the side. I move my trembling hands towards my cheek. The blood is warm. I should have went to the bathroom in this room. I say opening the door. I take out fresh clothes. And take off my bloody ones. I enter the warm shower letting the blood from my side, my cheek and my neck run.

I feel the bruise on my lip. I flinch as the touch stings. Everything I touch hurt. My side aches... But it's alright. It only hurts when I breathe.

I close the warm water wishing that I could stay there forever. Lock my self in the shower and sit there forever. And think... Just think. No talking no fighting no crying. Just thinking.

I slowly put on my clothes. I don't feel like wrapping my injuries in cloth. Instead I leave it there for it to breathe with me. I'll let the air dry it. Hopefully it catches no attention. But I doubt it. The day they see me like this they will ask: what happened? Then what will I say. I had a cat? No... No pets allowed in rooms. I dropped glass? No then they'll ask how I got it on my face and neck but not on my hands. I'm not cutting my self. That's no excuse...

I got into a fight would be the truth. But the with who? Is the hard thing to answer. A stranger? What would be the fight about... A guy? That's too funny and impossible to believe. I look at my mark. You cause me trouble. I think. I wished I could remove it. Then I wouldn't be an Element. I grab my three papers and a pencil. I might as well start my essay now.

I have heard about Elements when I was little. It was my favorite story. Although I only believed it to be a myth. Every time my father would tell me stories. Every story different yet better than the other. I specifically enjoyed the water stories. The way how their leader would control a tribe. The water tribe. Back then it wouldn't be so rare. It was easy to be a water. But then droughts started soon they all died. There for reproduction could not happen to create more Water elements. So we stays with the temporary way. Waiting for that special drop. But that soon become impossible with the Earths Nature. I would be glad to hear about their stories. Soon, I began to enjoy the Natures stories. With their great power of speaking to plants. Which now I learn is just part of the myth. But yet there were fun. I then enjoyed the Fire stories. I loved their enthusiasm. There excitement ever excited me. I would find myself thinking I'm a fire element. I would speak harshly to people just to be an Element. But then I got tired of it. And moved on to Air. Air confused me. I would think that there element was just... Air. But later on I loved their stories. The way how they could easily hold you neck and prevent you from breathing. There strength is what I enjoyed. But there looks... I used to think there were ghosts. My father described them to be a light creature. With only light hair and light eyes. There clothing were also bright. I find myself every night looking at the mirror. Staring at my small leaf. I would smile. Then say "if elements were real I would be Nature. Because of my leaf." Then I would fall asleep.

Now that I'm eighteen I can be an element. But when they came knocking on my door. My stomach turned. I soon did not want to be an element. Half of me agreed. The other was just off. I learned that I was a nature... Which is what I suspected...

And I continue writing about my experience. Even though I'm aware they're all lies. I write big so that my handwriting will cover the page rather than writing many words. I use longer words so that my paper looks full and efficient. I try to put in my effort. Even though I'm rushing... It's due next week.

The door opens as I write my last sentence. Cindy comes charging in. "There was a knife in the hallway full of -" when she looks at me she stops. I throw my finished paper in my bag. "Oh my god." She whispers. She comes closer as she pokes my cheek. I wince getting up. She's taller than me. I just realized it. Not by much though. "What happened?"

"Got into a fight." Well, that's my excuse. Hopefully I do pt lie about fighting a dragon.

"With who?"

"I don't know them." That's the truth.

"Is the knife?"

"My blood? Yes. Mine? No."

"Go to the medics!" She says grabbing my arm.

"I'm ok." I say I lied.

"Where else do you have the scrapes?"

"My side. That's all." I say.

"You're going to die on me and I've only known you for a week. I'm not letting you die yet. Come." She drags me out the door.

"Cindy!" I say pulling my arms away from her. "I'm alright."

"Does it hurt."

Only when I breathe. "No." I just don't want to go to the medics.

"Now you're making me wonder if I should go to the party." She says worrying.

"You're going. I just need rest." She nods as I walk to the bed and lay down. "When you leave turn off the lights." I command her.

"Oh and I'm... Uh staying the night at Damon's... If you don't mind." I smirk she likes Damon...

"It's fine. Just don't have too much fun." I assure her.

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