Chapter TwentyFour

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Everyone is suppose to meet up at the auditorium. I decide to sit next to Cindy in the back. I stare at the door as people begin to walk in. Kyle sits a seat away from me. Leaving an empty seat next to me. I think of what Kyle saw he won't talk to me nor Asher. I didn't care if he didn't talk to me, I never did talk to him in the beginning. "Cindy, can we move." I whisper. I have this feeling there will be a dajavoo. "No. Mrs. Gravel is staring at us." She whisper yells. I look a t the stage watching mrs. Gravels eyes. She is looking at us. It's like she's hoping a monster would come out of no where and grab us. Then we die.

As usual Asher arrives late and decides to slip in the seat next to me. It's like the seat says reserved for Asher only. No one. And I mean no one came close to that seat. They all just starred at it. Walked passed it stood behind it. Sat next to it. But did not sit in it. Only Asher did. "We're have I seen this?" He says slipping his hands into mine. There nice and warm. But when I realize what I'm doing and what this looks like from afar a slowly remove my hand from his and turn to watch Mrs. Gravel, still looking at us. This time focusing her eyes on our hands.

"Am I the only one who thinks this place will bomb behind us?" Cindy interrupts. A laugh escapes my lips. "Now that it's in my mind." I Drift off as Mrs. Gravel begins to speaks, "now next week is the start of ordinary week. We do this yearly. Think of it as a game." A wave of chants go around the room "the rules are simple. Spend a week in the outside world. Using the techniques you know from your younger years. You must not have any contact with your previous life. Meaning no contact with old friends and family." Next to me I hear Cindy have her private party.

"Once the week is over you will have to wait for next year. Yes, the entire Element will be out. Even us. And yes we agree it is the best time of the year. Each of you will be given the amount of money needed. And one transportation for each group. Now, move along to your destination."As everyone gets up a murmur of excitement fills the room. And even I, decided to leave with a smile and excitement. One whole week of Asher free. One whole week with doing whatever crazy stuff I come up with. One whole week to learn things. "Oh! And if you get arrested. Where not bailing you out. So be careful!" Mrs. Gravel says. Laughter fills the room. One image pops into my mind. What would happen if someone got arrested?

I have not been to the ordinary world for eleven months. Do you have any idea of how much I need a mind with no myths. I can drink. I can party. With out supervision." Cindy squeals.

"Your underage." Cameron says. Cameron and Damon caught up to us when we left. Of course it seemed to surprise me why Cameron is not recovering form his break up. And now I wonder who broke up with who. But I don't ask. I don't like getting up on other people's business... Sometimes. But when I hear my name coming out of someone's mouth I'm like a search dog. Wait what? What about me? I will annoy them until they answer. Which sometimes they do.

"Hush child. I can fake for a week." Cindy says.

"And if you get arrested." I ask.

"I'm an element! You piece of shits let me out I'm higher than all of you! I will call the people! I swear they will blow you shitty ass up!" Cameron mimics in a voice not even like Cindy's.
"Your accent sucks." Damon points out to Cameron.

"I would actually want to go and blow some shitty ass." Cindy claims and I cannot help but laugh. For once I'm having fun. Without thinking about some thing so miserable. Now, if only I act like this in front of Asher. Where would I be?

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