Chapter FourtyTwo

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Don't do something permanently stupid just because you are temporarily upset.


The room was empty when I walked in. Of course it would be empty I was the only one who left. Awkwardly I imagined what the Place would look like of they allowed pregnancy. I shake my head at the thought and a small laugh escapes my lips. The nurse and doctors would need training. And the place would have to get bigger. But then it crossed my mind. I was made by two natures. Which made a water. The water population will increase. For some reason I seemed to be annoyed by that. Mrs. Gravel has no idea what crisis she will start if there are more waters and the fires figure out.

I slip of paper is thrown under my door and with curiosity I pick it up:

When she transformed to a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been.

But she had wings.

A small smirk creeps up my face. "Quoting Dean Jackson." I whisper to myself flipping the note looking for a name. Noticing that this note was anonymous I open the door thinking the person would still be standing there probably with a grin on there face waiting creepishly in front of my door. But that creepy person wasn't there. In fact no one was there. I kept the note in my drawer thinking it's probably Kyle...since where together something sweet would be nice.


No one would talk during class. Not even a greeting or anything. Everyone looked fed up with life. To tell the truth I was fed up the first five second I walked in here. Basically I already saw what was coming. People are either reading or throwing paper at the walls while Mr. North stares at his computer screen hitting his pencil against the desk then looking at me and back at the screen. "Ms. Pierre may I see you outside for a few minuets." He finally says. I look at my book then back up at him as if he said something I didn't quiet understand. I save my page though I never wanted to get up. Leaving the room and Mr. North follows behind me. All eyes were on me until I left the room.

"You've been hiding your mark all year. And your features and grades don't match the things a nature is required to have." I look at him my hands are now sweating. "I'm suppose to be graduating this year and now I consider myself graduated yesterday. Your not suppose to be looking into my files unless your my next years teacher." I say with trembling words.

"Pardon my curiosity. But your file is empty your element is still in the unknown file. Maybe we could fix that..." He reaches for my arm but quickly I slap it away. "Reflexes." I say with a grin. Quickly I move back. "Touching another student is harassment Mr.North I'm afraid I have to report you."

"With your element still unknown I have the rights to check." He attempts to reach for my shoulder but I shrug is hand off. "I would rather have a student of my choice check." I say. "I believe I have the right to chose how you would like to know."

Mr. North looks at me with a strait face. His dark eyes star at me. I officially know Mr. North hates me. "I had a student who has the same problem as you. He's in third year now." Says mr. North. I smile as if I cared. "His name was Rico Braxton." Now I'm interested. Rico had the same problem as me? "A weird child was he. Always-"

"Are we done here?" I ask patiently... A little. "Excuse me?" Mr. North says. He gives me the chance to change my impatient response. "Apologies sir. I still don't get why I'm waiting here."

"Fairly well who do you want to check your mark." He says. "Right now I'm convinced your a false."

I shake my head at his response. "Calm down sir. I'm a pure..." If you don't count the fact that I was only a water because of my parents mistake.

Now I'm tempted to get a leaf tattooed where my mark is. Only now it's late. "Excuse me. Can we continue this tomorrow. I look at the clock noticing we still have thirty minuets of class. "The more you speak the more false you sound."

What's that suppose to me.

"Fine." Mr. North assumes he can check my mark because he reaches for my shoulder. Yet I still slap it away from me. "A student Mr. North."

"Grace it is." He says as he walks into the class room about to call grace. I realize that she's a fire as well and doesn't know my element.

"No!" I yell before he screams her name. "I-I don't like her." I whisper. We never spoke so I wouldn't know. But I could tell that we wouldn't like each other even if we did. " I want it to be a fire. I don't trust your element there not honest."

"Cindy." I say.

"She's a nature Skylar."

"I insist on Cindy." I stare at him. I whine like a child wanting a toy for it's birthday. Or not leaving the store until it gets what it wants. Mr.

North shakes his head. But I won't change my mind.

"Asher!" Mr. North calls without permission. My knees start to feel like jello a the sound of that name ringing In my ear. "No." This time I really mean it. I would rather lock myself into a dark room then let Asher be here to touch my skin. "Mr.north I prefer a female." I whisper to him as I see Asher slowly walk to wards the door. "Asher or Grace. Your only two options."

This is basically making a huge life or death decision. . . literally. If I chose Grace. Of course I would be more comfortable for her to check my mark. But.. since shes a fire she will possibly yell and... Oh! Look cause of Skylars death? Choosing the wrong decision.

You know in the movies when a character is making a decision that is impossibly hard to make but time is ticking. So they slow down the moment and you hear there heart beating and notice there eyes going insane and there sweat running down like it a race. Well. . . that's how I'm feeling. Ashers steps echo in my ear as well as my heart beating.

Mr.Norths eyes look at my shoulder with desperation. To be honest I felt like yelling something stupid at him so that he could move away. Like: Why are you looking at me? You do realize the area your looking at is uncomfortable? or Mr.North are you a pervert?

As much as I wanted to say this I could not. The only thing I could possibly say was:


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