Chapter FourtyFive

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"Beauty begins the moment you be yourself."
-coco channel
I haven't seen Kyle for a while. For some reason I think he even forgot that where dating. Cindy began to question if we where even together and my answer was a shrug. . . Because I don't know. A part of me wants him and the other part doesn't because Asher exist. It's scary that I still think about Asher when I haven't talked to him for over a month. I kept getting those secret notes every night when I would go to sleep. It would be like a good night note. But today I actually loved the note I received.

Missing you comes in waves... Tonight I'm drowning.

What bothered me was that the handwriting was very familiar. The door slams wide open startling me and I quickly stuff half of the nots in my pocket and the other in the drawer "There at the medics." Cindy sobs. "Who?"

No one storms in a room and begins to sob for no reason. "He was fighting with Kyle. I didn't know what to do I left and called for help. Everyone came to help them and then there was a boom. And the place was on fire. I left... Now it looks like I did this. He's hurt Skylar."

"Who's hurt Cindy." Let's not forget she didn't bring a name up except for Kyle. "Is Kyle hurt?" I quickly ask hoping she shakes her head. But instead she nods and continues sobbing. I quickly run out the door without hearing what Cindy had to say. Part of my didn't want him hurt. Actually... All of me. Someone else was hurt I'm sure of it. She said They're. Not he's. She said he was fighting with Kyle. Someone else is going to be there. I look to the right to find the top half of the building burnt. People are being escorted to the medical building and I enter nit caring for who I tripped or hit.

Mrs.gravel stands at the door way looking at me in disgusts. She thinks I did it? Or is it her face? Either or I didn't seem to care. "Kyle!" I yell to the nurse who runs. "Which one." I realized that there isn't just in Kyle but more. "The one in year one." Buy I do know that there is only one Kyle in my year. She nods and quickly says "P12." And then runs. A sigh of relief escapes my lips. The higher the floor is the less hurt the patient is. In floor f it only contains those who have sprained wrists or headaches. Nothing bad. The elevator is packed with those I didn't know where even elements. And now that pregnancy is allowed cry's are all over the place. I hate the medics. Nothing here I wanted to see. It was clear the doctors had no idea what they where doing. Panic is in there faces not even helping to sooth the patient down. These where professionals of course. There where just student who graduated and decided to help the medics. no one here taught them how to do things... They taught themselves I believe.

The room Kyle was in had a girl in it. She was defiantly a fire with her dark here and eyes. And my stomach turns as I realize who it is. "Why is an ordinary here?" She says taken a step back. Kyle looks up with a cloth wrapped around his head. No blood... Just some bruises and healing scars. "Emma that's Skylar." He tells her. Emma, that's her name.

Even though Asher told her that I was a nature. Her and her friend still believe I am an ordinary. Except thankfully they have kept there distance. The scar on my stomach that was given by them starts to sting. I nod in a greeting and she returns a smile... Fake. What is she even doing here? It bothers me.

She wears makeup like she graduated clown school. Her clothes where tight and everyone was able to see what she wore under. And her shorts looked like a bikini bottom... What's the point of wearing pants if your going to wear something like that. I stop staring at her in disgust. "Sorry if I interrupted something." I look back at Kyle who shakes his head no. "Yeah." Emma replies. I chose to ignore her. "I just wanted to check up on you." I say with a grin.

"Thank you." Kyle says. "Come." He says scooting over. "I can't Cindy is in floor E I have to check up on her." I lied. "Goodnight Kyle." I say blowing him a kiss before leaving. He just smiles.
The day after almost half of the kids don't show up. Mr. North doesn't do anything of course. Asher walks into the room with a slashed cheek and a bandage on his neck. A wound on his neck going down under his shirt. He sits away from me and my heart sinks.

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