[8] First words

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Kakashi pov

Megumi and I were once again over by sensei's house. Kushina-san wanted us to spend the day with her. I didn't mind but it was like this woman could either read minds or was spying on us. She always knew when I had no missions, or when I only took D rank missions. Technically I was on a mission. When Minato sensei had given me this mission with a smirk, I should have known he was up to something.

The mission was to help a woman take care of a baby since she was sick she couldn't take care of the baby by herself, nor did she want to get her baby sick. The woman turned out to be Kushina-san, who wasn't sick, and the baby is Megumi, who was all too happy to see me.

Now I sat reading my book and keeping an eye on Megumi as Kushina-san cooked. I offered to help but she didn't want me too.

"Kakashi, how is Mei-chan doing?" She piped up from the kitchen.

"She's fine, the teddy bear has her attention."

"Ah, no... I meant health and growth wise. I see her grow but I want to know what you've observed from her." Oh...

"Etto...she's stopped crying so much. She's quiet unless she wants my attention and she's really happy. I'm not too sure, but I think her senses are heightened as well. I might be able to tell when she's older but right now it's hard to know if the noises are just things she doesn't like or if it hurts her." I explained.

"Oh~ such an observant aniki you are, ya know~" She popped up behind the couch giving me a sly smile. I blushed slightly slowly inching the book to cover my face.

"Well! Lunch is almost ready, so while we wait how about you tell me anything on your mind?" Kushina-san sat down on the chair beside me smiling widely as she always does when she's happy. I sighed closing my book knowing of no escape from this.

I thought about it. What was I worried about? What am I thinking? Am I worried or just observing? All those thoughts lead me to one main worry.

"I'm worried...that I'll die on a mission and leave Gummi all alone." I frowned at my own thoughts.

"What made you think of that?" The smile left Kushina-san's face instantly.

"While on my last mission. I decided to take it solo, while in disguise I heard this boy crying. He was crying about his brothers death. The villagers said that both his brothers were killed by rogues and that now, with no parents he was all alone. Parents died during the war, brothers died to keep him safe. That life...that loniless is something I don't want her to feel." Kushina-san sighed before she smiled gently at me reaching over to knock my head softly.

"Kakashi, no matter how much you want to protect Megumi, she will feel pain. Your job isn't to prevent it, it is to prepare her for it. So when the pain comes she won't stay crumbled on the ground, she'll be able to get back up, stronger than she was before, with more knowledge than she went in with." I huffed.

Not what I wanted to hear...but I guess I understand.

"Besides! Megumi is my God daughter! She'll be a force to be wreaked with! Isn't that right, Mei-chan?" We looked down at Megumi who cheered at the sound of Kushina-san calling her. I chuckled.

"I suppose..."

"Anymore worries?"

"Her blood, it has Senju's blood running through her veins, doesn't that mean she might be able to use wood release? And have large reserves of chakra? Wouldn't she be targeted for that?"

"You are worrying about way too many things that should be in the far, far future, ya know. Haha, well I can't tell you not to try and look ahead, but if you keep looking too far ahead, you'll miss out on the small good things happening now. Ya know?" She stood up, turned my face to look down at Megumi,  who was now on her back with a teddy bear in the air, as she left to finish cooking. My eyes remained on Megumi, she was chewing on his ears.

That's adorable. Why is that so cute?

I smiled not realizing Megumi had stopped chewing the bear to sit and stare at me. "Nn...Ni..Nii..Nii-cha!!" I blinked pushed from my thoughts by what I thought was Megumi speaking

I stared at her, she stared back at me. I chuckled. I'm hearing thing- "Nii-cha!!" My eyes widened and I found myself gaping at her.

"Eh-? Huh? Did you just-!?"

"Nii-cha!!" Megumi just spoke... she..she spoke...

"Oh my kami! Did you just say your first word!?" Kushina-san squealed and I knew I wasn't imagining things. But wait, when did she come back?

"She spoke..." I mumbled still very much in shock.

"She did!" Kushina-san shook me squealing happily. "Mei-chan! Mei-chan! Who am I?" She knelt in front of her pointing to herself.

"Ka-sa!" Immediately Kushina-san swooned and squealed rolling around on the ground.

"She called me kaa-san!!!" I chuckled picking Megumi up and snuggling her

"Your first words huh?"

"Nii-cha!" She smiled showing me her growing teeth. I glanced beside me seeing Kushina-san still covering her face and squealing. Taking this moment I pulled my mask down and kissed her on her head.

I'm happy...  I'm her first words. I pulled my mask back up just in time for sensei to enter the room.

"Uh.." The moment Kushina-san heard his voice she jumped up speeding towards him to rapidly shake him.

"She called me kaa-san!!!" Sensei's eyebrows raised and he looked towards me. I nodded in confirmation to his silent question. Once Kushina-san stopped shaking him he walked over to us and I passed Megumi to him.

"Ho~? Can you say my name, Megumi-chan? Mi-na-to? Can you?" Megumi giggled reaching for his hair as she always did.

"Nao!" His eyes sparkled and he spun her around earning giggles from her

"Close enough!" I smirked watching as Kushina took Megumi and began to play with her.

"Oh, food is finished. You're just in time Minato! Come on, let's all go eat." We followed Kushina to the table which was already set with everything.

"Nii-cha!" I looked to see Megumi reaching for me a frown on her face as she made grabby hands.

"Ah, you want your aniki huh?" Kushina-san smiled passing her over to me.

"Hehe...nii-cha." Megumi snuggled into my arms. Earning chuckles from all of us as I sat us down to eat.

"I can't wait to have my own! Then I'll have two adorable babies to gush over!" Kushina-san swooned.

Sensei and I sweat dropped.

"Oh boy..."


Gosh I love that woman! I wish she was alive!!

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