[54] Unwanted ways to part

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Third pov

Megumi stood before Itachi and Kisame with KI oozing out of her body. Faint wisps of chakra came off her body as well, making the residents on the floor below feel suffocated, though they didn't know why.

Kisame was impressed with her KI if she looked anything like him he'd have ran for the hills. Don't get him wrong his heart raced at the prospect of a child being able to catch him off guard, perhaps a worthy foe. But Megumi wasn't scary looking to him. Instead, he felt that if he shifted even a millimeter a limb would be taken.

He was glad those seemingly glowing eyes were locked onto his partner and not him, anymore that is.

Itachi stared back blankly. He had to steel himself more now, because she was here. The one person that could make him want to surrender. Make him want to turn tails and walk right out this hotel and abandon his plan. The only one remaining that with one look alone can make him change his mind and want to return to his old life of peace. But he knew, and she knew...he could not.

So they stood there, hidden emotions only they understood raging behind their eyes. An unspoken conversation hidden behind emotionless eyes and rage filled ones. Both sides able to see easily past it. Both sides hurting, one more than the other. But who...? Who hurts more than the other?

The one that must inflict pain. Or...the one that knows they have to let it happen.

Kami-sama is particularly cruel today...

Meanwhile, as Itachi and Megumi had a stare down, Jiraiya stood off in the back silently sulking as no one paid any mind to him. He had an entire introduction prepared about not falling for their tricks with the woman currently unconscious on his shoulder but Megumi had to come and make an even bigger entrance....

The Hatake kids take after Minato's flashy entrances too much... He sulked because he remembers how Kakashi like to appear to a fight all cool like and things. He set the woman down

"So..." He drew attention back to himself, Kisame's attention at least "You guys wanted to draw me away so you used the sharingan to cast a genjutsu on his woman, huh? Not very manly way of doing things." Naruto looked back conufsed why would they want to draw away the pery sanin? "So you really are after Naruto?" Jiraiya looked back at the two cloaked members glaring

"No wonder Kakashi knew about this... you were his source of information." Itachi finally pried his eyes off Megumi who immediately looked down at Sasuke assessing him " 'To abduct Naruto' these were the orders given to us by the higher ups of our organization, Akatsuki." now. They had Megumi's full attention.

"You won't get Naruto." Jiraiya proclaimed to which Megumi whol heartedly agreed.

"And why not?" Itachi, as the Uchiha blood still pumps within him challenges.

"Because right here, right now. You two will die by my hand."

"And I..." Megumi shifted straightening her back and shuffling to block their entire view of Naruto "Am still here... Try me."

"Don't do it..." Sasuke's struggling voice entered the fray. He slowly pulled himself up with the wall, his entire body shaking as he leaned off of it to face his greatest enemy and to protect the rest of his heart standing behind him.

Like hell! Will he touch them!

"This guy.. is mine." Megumi's heart squeezed. The look in Itachi's eyes alone made her know what he was intending to do. He was about to up Sasuke's hatred tenfold. Mentally and phyically.

"I have absolutely no interest in you right now."

"Sasuke you-" Naruto frowned, he was worried.

"NARUTO! This fight is mine! " Naurot and Megumi shared a look. Sasuke was in no condition to fight. Did Itachi care though? No.

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