[23] I am Rock Lee!

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Megumi POV

I shifted feeling a bit uncomfortable but trying not to make it obvious as I sat next to Neji and tried to listen to sensei. Neji turned his head to me, his dull lavender eyes staring at me.

"Stop shifting so much. Why are you moving around so much? Are you uncomfortable?" I nodded.

"He won't stop staring at me..." we frowned him more so than me.


"That kid..." I used my head to tilt it in his direction and Neji openly glared down at him.

I mentally face palmed. I should have known he'd do something like that. At least the kid isn't glaring down my soul anymore. I sighed shaking my head a bit amused.

"Arigatou. Though I don't think glaring his soul out of him was necessary." He hummed turning back to the teacher.

"It was." I shook my head dropping it and also paying attention.


I yawned as I walked out of school. Once again we were separated into boys and girls. The boys went to shuriken training while we learned the different types of flowers. I guess this one wasn't too bad, now I know which flower to use when I want to poison someone. And what herb to make to undo said poisoning. Maybe I should ask Kurenai-baasan if she knew medical ninjutsu. It could come in handy.

"My beautiful, youthful gem!" A voice shouted way before he even reached me. Speeding head first in my direction.

Usually I'd accept his hugs entirely, but not today! Not with the speed he was coming at me with! Instead I jumped over him flipping as I landed in a crouch behind him when he skidded to a stop.

"Are you trying to kill me with the speed you're coming at me with Guy-oji?" I looked back at him seeing him give a sheepish smile.

"Aha! Gomen! I guess that was too fast huh?"

"You guess..? I told you so..." the voice of a seemingly board and tired person spoke up behind me. And from both chakra and voice I already knew who it was.

It was now, my turn to tackle said person. Which I did jumping and latching onto him in a vice grip, as Asuma-oji calls it.

"Aniki!" He chuckled hugging me back.

"Gummi." He snuggled his masked face into my hair and shoulder, our hair colors being the same yet a bit different if you looked close enough.

"Were you safe? What did you eat? Did you sleep well? Gomen ne, I did not mean to leave you for such a long time."

"It's okay. At least I was told otherwise I'd be angry with you. I did eat. Koto-baasan cooked and brought food over for us."


"Hmhm! Ji-ji said I couldn't bring Naruto with me cause I'm too small to care for him...so I brought in Sasuke, Itachi and Shisui!" I grinned "Every two nights we had sleepovers so I could be with Naruto. Or I'd just go to his house since ji-ji only said he can't come to mine." I smiled widely earning chuckles from nii-san.

"You found loopholes..." I nodded.

"I did!"

"What of training?"

"Mm, since I can't do my usual training myself, I trained with Neji, Itachi, Shisui and my friend Tenten! Although Ten isn't as trained as the others so it felt like a break when we trained. She's getting better though!" I nodded that last part more to myself.

"Ahh letting your youth out even when I'm not here? How...YOUTHFUL!!" Guy-oji screamed at the top of his lungs striking a pose.

"Stop shouting, you're disturbing the peace." I giggled as aniki gave him such a blank look you can practically see it through his mask.

"Arg! My rival! You've won this round!"

"We were playing a round?" Nii-san sounded so tired.

"How about you go home aniki? You need the rest." I frowned.

"Mm, I will...after I visit Hokage-sama. I sent a clone but I know he'll still call for me." Nii-san sighed "Can you wait here for me for a while again? I know you can walk home, but I'd like to pick you up from school." I nodded and he set me down.

"I'll stay right here, and if not I'm in the back by the big tree with a swing on it!" I told him receiving a nod in return.

"Wait for me...come on Guy. Hokage-sama calls..." nii-san sighed dropping his head slightly "No more missions for a while... I hope...."

I watched the two walk away smiling. Once they were out of my sight fully, I spun around eyebrow raised and arms folded.

"You've been staring at me for the entire day!" I called out "Are you going to tell me what your want?" Out of from behind the tree was the boy from my earlier class.

"I..." he bowed "I am sorry! I did not mean to make you uncomfortable!" He yelled.

"Right...well, what do you want then?"

"That man...that man in the green! I've seen him! I've watched him! And when he was training I saw you training with me! Please, tell me how I can become his apprentice!!" The boy remained bowing, lowering himself more.

"You want to train under him?" I raised an eyebrow.



"I...I am very bad at doing ninjutsu... actually... I, I cannot do it at all! But that man! That man I saw was strong without the need for jutsu! I wish to become just like him!!" He shot up fire blazing behind him.

"Slow down." I giggled softly. "You said you can't do ninjutsu." It clicked "Ah, but you can still fight with Tai and genjutsu!" I told him he deflated.

"I have tried both...I cannot do nin or genjutsu..."

"I see. Then I guess you went after the right person to train you!"

"Really!?" He brightened instantly.

"Hai. The thing is though...his training isn't for the weak. He wakes up at unholy hours before dawn just to do warmups and sometimes train straight into the night." I walked over to the boy "Do you think you can handle that?"

"I can!!" He answered with no hesitation.

"Then. I'll tell him of you! I'm pretty sure, he'll love you!"

"Wah~ arigatou na!!" He sparkled.

Oh he's going to love him alright.

"Sure! But are you going to tell me your name?" I titled my head as he turned into a statue.

"How rude of me!! I am Rock Lee! Soon to be the strongest taijutsu master of the leaf!"

"Megumi Hatake! You'll have to beat me first for that title!!" We smiled at each other.

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