[35] Fighting Zabuza

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Megumi pov

"Surround and protect Tazuna!" aniki demanded as he lifted his headband revealing his sharingan. I knew this surprised Sasuke who looked to me for answers. I motioned that I'd tell him later. "Do not enter this fight." He commanded, and I knew he meant me as well.

I nodded subtly only stepping a few steps forward from Sasuke to be another barrier between the gennins behind me and Zabuza. Kakashi was still some ways ahead of me that much closer to the mist ninja. 

"Ah... I get to see the sharingan in action. I'm honored." Zabuza mused. I almost rolled my eyes. Almost.

He's cocky. Then again, ninjas with his abilities always are. Which means he has yet to meet a foe he didn't easily defeat. Why'd I choose to be a ninja again...?

"Sharingan, sharingan!! What the hell is that and why does it sound so familiar?!" Naruto yelled vicously trying to remember.

Right, to protect my idiots... I sulked at my own thoughts.

"The sharingan is said to be an eye ability, a kekkei genkai. It has the ability to read and defeat all types of gen, tai and ninjutsu." Sasuke spoke up explaining what he knew "It's one of the types of pupils that gives you this power. But that's not it's only ability." He finished.

"Exactly.  That's not all, what's even scarier is that you can copy your opponents techniques once you see them." Zabuza added "What I was still a mist ninja I kept a handbook, it included information on you...the man who copied over 1000 jutsus, Copy Ninja Kakashi." team 7 looked shocked.

I'm not surprised Sakura didn't know, but how can Naruto and Sasuke after all these years, still not know...?

"Enough talk. I have to kill that old man." Zabuza crouched getting ready to attack "Ah but...Kakashi, it seems I have to beat you first." with that Zabuza jumped off the tree, ripping his sword out as well. For a moment we lost sight of him until Naruto shouted pointing at the water.

 "Hidden mist jutsu." his voice echoed and slowly mist started rolling in with Zabuza disappearing within it. I lowered my stance and shifted my weight. That way if he appeared behind or in front of me I could react regardless. Whether that meant jumping back, ducking or defending from an attack.

"He'll come after me first." Kakashi spoke up "Zabuza Momochi, as a member of the hidden mist, he was known for his silent killing. You won't even notice until you're already dead..." how was saying this to gennin helpful?! "Megumi can you...?"

"No. His scent is covered by the mist." I breathed out slowly opting to use a different method. My method was cut short when I felt his chakra all around me. "Tch. I can't sense him at all."

"The mist is getting thicker."

"8 choices..." Zabuza's voice rang out like an echo in the wind " Liver. Lungs. Spine. Clavical vein. Neck vein. Brain Kidneys. Heart. Which one should I go after?" he tried to be intimidating but honestly... wasn't working.

Not on me at least. As the mist thicked Kakashi released his chakra creating a clearing around us. His KI was strong, blasting everyone's hair back. It was at that moment when I felt it. For a brief second right outside the mist there was someone's chakra, and it didn't belong to Zabuza. The sound of a rapidly thumbing heart took my attention away from the chakra of our unexpected guest.

"Sasuke." I glanced back seeing him pointing a kunai at himself. "Don't worry. I'll protect you all with my life. Even if it kills me." Kakashi  turned his head to face us looking me briefly in the eyes before he gave a closed eyed smile "I won't let my comrades die." the moment he finished his statement I pulled out a kunai and and got ready.

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