[41] Into both Forests of Death

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Megumi pov

Like in the chuunin exams the room quickly filled up with the scent of nervousness.  Though everyone's faces were calm their scent said otherwise for some. It was already ten minutes into the exam and I'm on question 11. The first 5 questions were easy chuuunin level ones. From 6 go up is where it got more complicated. They brought death scenarios into the equations and injured clients as well as teammates.

Still easy. I was brought up with the belief that teamwork is important to succeed a mission. I was also thought the no man left behind rule. Shadow clones existed for a reason. Okay not everyone can do more than five, but it should be enough. Even if the main body is damaged they can still make a healthy clone. A team consist of four people, sometimes three. Each member making at least two clones should be enough to carry out some missions. 

If not find another solution. That's what these questions were asking. Basically. Do you abandon your friends for the mission? Or do you abandon the mission for your friends? How can I as a jounin lead a team? They just hid the simple questions with complex words. At one point someone just screamed and gave up dragging their team behind them as they cried how it was too much.

I felt for the team members, they were shocked to their core at their friends sudden breakdown. Then they left looking dejected and defeated.

"You have ten minutes remaining." one of the jounin spoke up breaking me from my thoughts. I acknowledged his words and picked up the pace to finish writing my answers for the last two questions. I double checked the time. Five minutes.

That was enough time to go over my answers. Once satisfied and knowing I won't change them regardless of which way I approached the questions I set my pencil down then stared out the window waiting for -

"Time's up. One by one get up and bring your papers here. Once you leave the room another jounin will be waiting for you. They shall further instruct you. You from the back. Paper."  well, at least I didn't have to wait too long.

Within the next ten minutes everyone was outside the classroom waiting for the jounin to say something. Instead he was sitting on a desk staring everyone down with a cold glare on his face. Then his eyes stopped on me.

"You. Age."

"Thir- ... Fourteen." I blinked oh wow

"You don't know your own age?" I smiled in embarrassment

"It's not that I don't know...It's more like I turned fourteen today, and forgot." he gave me a blank stare before looking to the woman next to me.



"Who else is sixteen, seventeen and older?" everyone raised their hands. the man looked down at me "You think you can handle this? You're small. You can always come back." some scoffed and snicked my way. I smiled in the way I was thought by the Uchiha when people looked down at me, condescending.

"Half of us won't make it out right? I'm not part of that half. Some might die in this right? I might be the one doing the killing. Do not underestimate me because of my stature and age." 

"Cocky brat." a team mumbled softly I faced them chakra in my eyes as I stared them down 

"You'll all be dead by my hands if we are to ever meet in that forest." I smiled kindly  "Let's hope we don't, yeah?" they were sweating by the time I was finished.

"Hahaha! Interesting kid. Now let's move! The chuunin exams begins tomorrow, but we need to get to that forest today and to do so is to pass through the forest of death. Is there an easier way? Yes. Will we be taking it? No. If you fall behind in the first forest know you will not make it to the next. Let's go!" swiftly the jounin was off the desk and out the window.

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