[9] Discovered

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Megumi pov

I stared. I stared without blinking at this girl in front of me. Whoever this girl is. She is pretty.

"Pehiy!" I pointed at her to gain my anikis attention. He didn't look at me so I huffed and went up to the girl myself. "Pehiy!" At least she looked at me.

"Oh?" When she faced me I got to see her pretty red eyes with black things in them. Her hair was black and went to her shoulder. Yep. This person is pretty. "Hello, are you lost?" She bent down to my height looking at me with her pretty eyes.

"Nu..." I shook my head.

"I see..who are you here with? Your parents must be worried greatly about you. I can help find them?" I shook my head no again then pointed to aniki.

"Anii.." she looked at him too her eyes widening.

"Kakashi?" My eyebrows raised. Pretty girl knew aniki!? And he didn't tell me!?

Hearing his name aniki turned his own eye widening before they trailed down to me. He immediately sighed.

"Kurenai...." he nodded at the pretty Kunai.

"Kuna!" I cheered finally, a name! She smiled down at me petting my head softly.

"Are you, babysitting for someone?" She asked.

"You could say that..." he sighed again. Aniki does that a lot. He need to sleep with me more. "She's actually my imotou." Pretty Kuna froze her mouth opening slightly.

"Eh? Huh? Ano...are you serious?" She kept looking between the both of us. Is something wrong with her? Or is it aniki? Well, it is not me, for sure!

"I am..." Aniki chuckled nervously rubbing the back of his head. Did he hit it? Well... I am hungry. I walked up to him tugging on his pants he looked down at me.

"Anii, hun, hungi..." he chuckled coming closer to my height.

"Hungry huh? Hold on for a bit okay? We're almost finished here." He stood up taking me with him.

"Oh wow... uhh I have no idea how to react to this." Kuna stared at us still stunned.

"Honestly, I didn't either. Got used to it I guess." Aniki shrugged.

"How long have you had her?"

"Since she was two weeks."

"Oh. How old is she?"

"What month is it?"

"It's February."

"Hm, she's eight months then."

"Oh wow! But you still go on missions don't you? How do you take care of her?" Kuna followed us even after we left the big place with lots of food and toys.

"Ah, sensei watches her for me, or his wife does. When I'm not on missions I watch her. When I can't Guy comes to keep her company."

Oh I know him! He's the tall boy covered in...green! Yeah that's what aniki said!

"Guy knows!?" Pretty Kunai seemed very shocked.

"He popped out of nowhere when I was shopping for us...I couldn't really hide her..." Aniki sighed again! He really need to sleep!

"Aha ha! That does sound like him." The smell of something nice got my attention. I turned away from staring at the pretty girl to see a place that we were approching.

People were in there sitting by each other eating a big red thing in front of them. And it smelled so goodd!!

We entered the place taking a seat, stopping by a lady and aniki talked to her before we kept walking. We stopped by a table surrounded by chairs with pillows on them! Aniki set me down beside him and I had to reach up to see the table looked weird. I went to place my hands on it when I was pulled away. I looked up at aniki confused.

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