Chapter 48

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Phoebe's POV

During this week we have only been practicing for graduation it is coming on well but Brent and I haven't even made eye contact since our encounter yesterday.

"That's it students get some rest for your big day tomorrow, thank you" principal Trent announces,I can't believe that tomorrow is really graduation day.
"I'm a nervous reck B" Bri panics.

"Just stay calm Bri it's gonna be fine" I assure her,she looks at me as if I have completely gone mad.
"Fine,graduation is tomorrow and I'm gonna be fine. I haven't even bought a dress, set freaking appointments and you're here telling me that I'm gonna be fine" she growls glaring at me. My eyes widen at her state and Kyle stepped in just before I'm ready to be eaten alive.

"Ok babe just calm down" he wraps his arms around her small waist,I look away and leave him to soothe her. After what felt like ages she calmed down checking her phone.

"I'm sorry B. It's just that I don't work well with sudden changes" she sighs. I understand everyone is different from the other.
"It's ok Bri" I shove it off even though it hurts a little.
"No it's not let me make it up to you plus t-there's something I need to tell you" she's suddenly nervous.

"Oook" I look at her weirdly.
"Bye babe I'll call you" she says as she kisses Kyle then drags me by the hand.
We drove to her favorite food court no other than McDonalds. She orders our usual and drove to the park this time but seemed nervous all the way.

"What's up Bri?" I ask as we take a seat on the empty bench. She looks over at me biting her lips then breaks eye contact as she dips into the bag and takes out at least six fries at once, something is definitely up.

"Isn't she cute?" She asks referring to a fluffy white hair poodle dog with a pink bow tie around her neck. She is cute.
"Stop dodging my question Bri" I glare at her. What is so bad about it that she's afraid to even talk to me? I mean she said she wanted to talk.

"No I'm not" she lies while sipping her strawberry milkshake.
"You know I can see right through you right?" I squint my eyes at her.
"Stop that weird thing you do with your eyes it's creepy" she attempts on doing it but fails miserably. I can't contain the humor I felt seeing her try to do it.

"I got my acceptance letter" she blurts making my laughter come to a cease. I look over at her for a few seconds before engulfing her into a hug.
"Y-you're suffocating m-me" she stutters while trying to catch her breath at the same time.

I let her go smoothing back out her now raggedy hair.
"Sorry"I smile. I'm so happy for her.
"So what has you so worried then?" I ask her in confusion.
"Can we go shopping in the meanwhile it'll help me talk more fluently?" She asks while standing up and trashing her untouched burger.

"Ok" I say trashing my empty burger bag. Luckily there was a mall that's near by so we didn't have to drive far. Upon entering the mall its simple elegance shines radiantly at me welcoming me with open arms.
"B let's go over to the woman's section" Bri says as she makes her way over to where the dresses are.

The walls are baby blue,a chandelier is in the center of the ceiling, the arrangement of the clothings are neat and well kept even the mannequins are spotless just the way I like my surroundings.

"What do you think about this one?" Bri's voice breaks me from out of my awe of the place. I make my way over to where she's standing with an elegant white dress in her hand.
"This screams you" I compliment her as I take in the flower patterns on the dress.

"Do you have a dress?" She questions while looking through make up supplies,I swear she moves fast.
"Yeah,actually my mom gave me her graduation dress. I haven't look at it yet" I tell her.
"Oh" her voice saddens.
"It's ok Bri" I touch her shoulder and she looks around. It's not much of a secret everyone knows already. I sigh.

Promise Never to fall in-love with Me (Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora