Chapter 46

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Phoebe's POV

Today is the day that I've been waiting for. I'll be checking the mail box for my college addmissions from the colleges I applied for.

"You ready?" Dad asks as he pulls up at the mail box our community shares. What is it with people asking me if I'm ready.
"Yes dad" I say hoping out of the car even though I'm petrified more than anything right now.

I walk towards the mail box retrieving my mail.
I freeze when I see the first admission letter,panic immediately fills me,with shaking hands I skip through the rest of the mails and found the other three.

"Is everything ok" dad asks as I enter the car,I shake my head at him and buckle myself up. We arrive at home too quickly than how we went. I take a seat on the couch while dad goes into the kitchen and comes out with a bottle of water.

"Thanks" I say smiling up at him,he nods and sits beside me. I look over at him while placing my water bottle on the coffee table. He gives me a nod to proceed, I take a deep breath before he hands me the first letter.

My hands are shaking outrageously,he puts his hand on mine giving me a small smile. After what feels like eternity I finally open the first letter which is from Stanford university. It reads....

Dear Phoebe Carmel

I'm pleased to tell you that your application is touching......

I skip a few sentences.

You aren't qualified for our University.

I exhale a shaky breath and shake my head at dad,he wraps his arm around my shoulder soothing me.

He gives me another one,this time I hesitated more than the last I don't think I can accept another rejection. Dad takes the letter from me and reads it. His face expression only breaks my heart.

"Just say it" I breath.
" are accepted to NYC" he shouts,I freeze completely looking at him in disbelief.

"W-what?!" I exclaim,he nods rapidly engulfing me into a tight hug,I cough because he was squeezing me too hard. He let's go off of me and apologizes.

"But there are others" my anxiety is creeping back in.
"Ok do you want me to read the next?" He asks and I nod,he opens the next letter and looks at me hope fills me as I wait for his answer.

"I'm sorry honey but you weren't accepted to Brooklyn College" he announces in a sad tone. It felt like my whole world has shattered I always wanted to go there because that was where my mom and dad met.

"It's ok honey you have one more though I'm sure they'll accept you they won't be so foolish" he says trying to comfort me,it wasn't really helping but I nod giving him a small smile.

I take the other letter,he gives me an 'are you sure' look I nod in certainty taking a breath out before reading the paper with typed words on it.

Dear Phoebe Carmel

Congratulations! We are pleased to have you study at Colombia University this New Years.....

That was all I needed to see,I look over at my dad who looks worried.
"Yes" I rapidly shake my head
"Yes!!yes!!" He lifts me from the couch swirling me around. I can't ignore the happy feeling stirring inside of me.

"What did I miss" Bri barges in with pizza in her hand. Where the hell did she come from? I laugh at her blank expression as dad puts me down.

"We are going out to a celebration dinner do you wanna come Brith?" Dad asks her. I haven't called her that in a while,she shakes her head.

Promise Never to fall in-love with Me (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now