Chapter 37

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Phoebe's POV

Well today is the day that I have been studying for and I'm a nervous reck right now. I woke extra early skimming over my English notes. This week is all about exams and English is the first;then Math the next day and History;English Literature and Science the other days.

"Good morning honey are you ready for today?" Dad asks while placing a pancake onto my plate. I reach over for the melted chocolate and start pouring watching it in awe.
"Yeah I guess" I can feel the panic creeping in. I take up my fork and start cutting the pancake I raise it to my mouth and devour it. The sweet taste melts in my mouth like candy and just like that half of my panic vanishes.

"Well I know you're gonna do great so stop stressing before you have a panic attack" he says with concern laced in his voice. I nod. He's right the last thing I want right  now is to have a panic attack. I hurriedly eat the rest of my pancake and down my glass of orange juice.
"Do you want me to drop you off at school?" Dad asks and I nod in approval. We got into his car and he starts driving. A few minutes later we are parked outside of the schools compound. I give dad a swift kiss on the cheek and step out of the car.
I take slow cautious steps towards the school compound reciting what I studied.

"I'm a damn nervous reck" Bri whines. Kyle hugs her side ways while we walk.
"Don't be babe I'm here" he assures her. I wish I had someone other than my dad to assure me he that everything will be ok.
You have Brent.
My sneaky subconscious says. I frown.
"Ok" she says softly. When we reach the exam room the invigilator takes us to our rightful seats. I am place in between two unfamiliar faces. The space suddenly becomes too tight for me to breathe. Not now. My breathing accelerates along with my sweaty palm and forehead. A touch on my shoulder startles me as I gasp for air.
"Are you alright" the voice I wanted to hear since this morning asks. Just his touch alone calms me down slightly and I look up at him.
"Yeah" I breath. He nods and takes a seat in front of me.
"All the best Read Head" he says turning around.
"You too" I wish him.
Exam went great and it wasn't hard since I read and re-read my notes like a million and one times. The structure of the paper is ok but not that smart. Now I'm talking like Brent. Speaking of Brent where is he?
The invigilator calls to him so many times that I thought she was going to take away his paper. He curses underneath his breath multiple times and I kick his chair to scold him.
"How was the exam?" I ask Bri who looks like she's stressing the hell out. She slowly turns her head to where I am standing and gives me a weak smile.
"I don't wanna talk about it" she replies still smiling. I nod and start walk. I guess she's in shock of the exam papers I don't know.
"See you tomorrow" I tell them.
"Won't count on it" Bri answers are the same time Kyle says 'Yeah'. I chuckle and walk out of the schools compound.

My phone chimes the minute I step out of the gate.

Dad: I won't be able to pick you up honey make one of your friends carry you home. Sorry.


I sigh and dial Bri's number but there's no answer and I'm growing impatient at every second. It's indescribable how I had no friends at one point and now I have more than I can ask for and I'm very grateful.

I turn on my heel and start walking to the destination of my house. The honking of a car behind me drags my attention and I turn around to see who it is. To my pleasure Brent comes out of the car and stands in front of me.

Brent's POV

I reverse out of my parking spot and onto the residential road. The exam was somewhat easy and the structure of the paper is shit that person is definitely not fucking educated. As for that old hag who keeps calling me during the fricking exam is so damn annoying. It took everything in me and Phoebe kicking my chair not to cuss her out.

A woman's walking figure takes me out of my thoughts and the closer I get the more I recognize who it is.
What the hell is she doing walking  home? Even though it's one in the afternoon but still. I slow down behind her and honk my horn. She stops and turn around giving me her signature smile that warms my heart. I step out of my car and stand in front of her.

"Why are you walking home?" I question.
"No questions remember" she teases. I can't help but smile on the inside at her playful side.
"Yeah; yeah rules can be broken now answer me" I demand.
" dad couldn't make it to pick me up so I decided to walk" she tells me shrugging. Lucky thing she didn't reach far or else her feet would hurt. No that I really-
Yes you care.
A voice inside my head says. I roll my eyes and focus on Phoebe who is standing awkwardly chewing her lips. I groan. Her eyes flicker to meet mine and I look away.
"Come on" I say walking back to my car. She gets in after me and I start driving.

"Why didn't you call someone?" I press.
"I did but Bri didn't answer" she say chewing her inner cheek then leans against the window drawing small circles around each passing building.
"Oh so why didn't you;you know call me?" I hesitantly ask like a wussy. I told her to stop asking me questions yet here I am asking her. I'm so fucked up.
"I don't know it just never connected" she shrugs and I can't ignore the little  idiotic pang in my chest. Why wouldn't she? I hum in response and continue driving.

"How was the exam?" She asks the moment I pull in her driveway.
"Ok" I shrug not wanting to talk about it.
"Ok see you tomorrow" she says and comes out of the car. I watch as she goes inside her house and I drive off.

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