Chapter 40

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Phoebe's POV

It's the last day of exams and I feel relief already but also it's the day that I'll be making a decision whether to keep Brent and I's friendship or not. I have been giving it a lot of thinking and I still haven't made up my mind.

"Can you drop me off" I ask dad. I really need to get my own car soon.
"Sure;aren't you going to eat something before you go?" He asks sipping his coffee and my mind back tracks to Brent. I shake my head trying to erase his image.
"No I'm not hungry" I'm too nervous to eat anything right now.
"At least eat a banana" I chuckle at the memory of Brent when he called the word which came out weirdly off his tongue.

"What?" Dad asks.
"Nothing just remembering something" I reach over and grab a banana from the counter.
"Let's go" I say walking before him. He meets me in the car a few minutes later.
"How are the exams so far?" Dad questions.
"Ok" I reply looking out of the window.
"So how are you and your friends?" He asks. I suck in a sharp breath before answering.

"We're doing great" I muster up a smile.
"That's great and how about that bad tempered one?" He ask and I feel like defending Brent but I stop myself.
"Ok I guess" I say trying to sound normal. He nods.
"What happened?" He questions. I thought that they say mothers know everything not fathers.
"Father's know too" he smiles reading my mind. I blow down.
"Nothing" I say playing with my fingers in my lap.

"Anytime you want to talk just know that I'm here" he drops the subject after seeing that I don't want to talk about it.
"Yeah thanks" I say exiting the car. He gives me a wave and I give him a smile in return. I take a few deep breaths and walk into the schools compound. My heart is pounding and my mind is a million miles away. How dare he gives me choices to choose from; it isn't easy to just choose especially when I have feelings for him.

I silence my own self. It can't be; I have feelings for him. My eyes begin to water and I stand in the middle of the hallway not believing that I really do have feelings for someone who doesn't even have one ounce for me.
"Move out of the way people have exams to do" a masculine voice hisses while he passes me. Shit. I hurriedly walk to my exam room and take a seat next to a blonde boy. I look closely and realize that it isn't some blonde boy but Brent.

Panic begins to fill me and I look around the room for any other seats but they are all occupied. I swallow the lump forming in my throat and try to keep a straight face. I can feel his eyes on me sending a shiver through my body. It took every living cell in my body not to look over at him. The pain and panic in my chest only increases when I glimpse at him through the corner of my eyes. His eyes are studying me like I'm going to run away. He looks exhausted just like me; he has dark circles underneath his eyes;overwhelming messy hair and a drupe face.

"Heads face this way" the invigilator instructs I take one last glimpse of him before turning back around. He hands us the exam papers and I read through every sentence over and over again before answering. My mind is clouded with other thoughts at this point and Brent sitting beside me isn't helping. I try my best to put them aside and finish my exam. Finally after two long hours we gave up our papers and sign off our names in conformation that are finished with exams. A heavy load eases me and I feel even more relieved.

But then it returns when I spot him at the doorway looking at me. We're really doing this huh?

Brent's POV

I stand at the doorway inside the room  awaiting Phoebe. I look at the too overwhelming woman who is now signing her name on a sheet of paper I just wrote on. She looks more relaxed but as soon as she spots me it vanishes. You see what I do to her.
"We're doing this huh?" She questions standing in front of me.
"I guess so" I answer walking out of the room she follows silently behind.

We are now standing face to face underneath the tree that we studied underneath three weeks ago. She blows down exhaustingly.
"So what have you decided?" I ask not sure I want to hear the answer.
"I haven't" she says exhaling tiredly. I feel a bit relief to hear that but at the same time I want an answer.
"You have to choose" I press.

"It's not that easy Brent"
I know.
"Of course it is; just say you'll leave" I press even harder.
"No Brent I can ok it's just not that damn easy" she's getting pissed. Probably if I push her over the edge she'll agree and leave.
"Of course you can just look at me and say fuck you This friendship is over" I say pathetically. She's looking at me like I've grown two heads.

"What the fuck is wrong with you can't you see that I can't avoid you Brent!! I have forgiven you so many times and this is how you fucking repay me" she shouts and I'm slightly surprised by her use of cuss words.
"I Can't avoid you Brent!!"
Her words echo in my head and it sends me over the edge.
"Tell me the fucking reason why then tell me!!" I growl. No one is on the compound now. She's huffing terribly right now and I'm the reason.
"Because I have fucking feelings for you Brent!!!!" She blurts out everything around me pauses and I'm dumbfounded. Phoebe covers her mouth with her hands.

"What?" I breath. Tears fall from her eyes and her lips begins to tremble. She can't I don't date.
"I have to go" she turns and walks away crying uncontrollably.
"Phoebe" I call after her but she keeps walking. I jog up to her and snake my hand around her wrist. She stops and wrap her arms around me crying in my chest. She muffles her sobs in my shirt and I wrap my hands around her small frame.

She stops crying a few minutes later and pulls away from me.
"Sorry" she sniffs pointing to my shirt. I care less about that right now. Her eyes are puffy and red her lips swollen.
"It's ok" I tell her and she nods. We stand awkwardly avoiding each other's gaze.
"Did you mean it?" I finally ask.

Phoebe's POV

"Did you mean it?" He asks. Do I? Yes I do. It's time for me to stop fighting it and come clean.
"Yes" I breathe. He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration and I nibble on my lips.
"Since when?" He asks. I thought he was going to say hurtful things to me like he always does but not when.
"Since at the river" I confess.
He doesn't date.
My subconscious teases and I can't help but think she's right. He blows down. Here comes the rejection. I take deep breaths awaiting what is to come.

"Fuck Phoebe you're only complicating things" he groans. He paces back and forth as if he's looking for something to hit or something but thankfully we're in an open surrounding where there's only grass and asphalt.
"I know" I admit. He snaps his head to where I am and I gulp. It takes me back to the day when he made a deal with me. I was so naïve then and still am now.

"This can't work. Look at all the shit I say to you" he points out. He's right but I see good in him he just needs a lot more guidance.
"I see good in you Brent" I say and he scoffs.

"You must be visually impaired to see or even think that" and here we go with the hurtful words.
"Hurtful words aren't going to carry us anywhere" I snap.
"To leave me a fucking lone would" his words burns my heart and I feel tears coming.

"You don't have to be such a prick all the God damn time!!!" I shout.
"Then fucking go ms.perfect" he scowls.
"You know what I'm sick of you calling me names and saying hurtful shit to me. But before I go tell me one thing," I say.
"Fuck;what?" He hisses.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't have feelings for me" I say and his eyes softens then hardens in no time.

"I don't have any feelings for you Phoebe" he spits looking straight into my eyes. It felt like the whole world is crumbling down wanting to bury me under.
"Ok" my voice barely passes a whisper.

He turns on his heels and walks away. What has my world come to in only a few months?

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