Chapter 8

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Phoebe's POV

It is now lunchtime and I feel sleepy probably just the effect of the pills. I didn't feel like coming to school today because of what happened yesterday.

"Hey B are you alright?" Bri questions with a concern look on her face.
"Yeah probably just the effects of the pills I took yesterday for my an-" I catch upon myself before I say anything further.

I don't know if I trust her yet. Why is it so hard to trust someone though? I haven't trusted anyone expect my dad and my mom but that's a different trust. Trusting a  friend; I don't know if I can trust her or if she'll trust me back. I can't even trust myself. I'm afraid to open up but when the time is right I will.

"Huh?" confusion fills her voice.
"Ahhh. M-my headache. I had a h-headache last night and I took some pills, it must be the after effect. I'm feeling sleepy"I say holding my head down. I can't bare to look into her eyes not after I just lied to her and she always seems to tell me the truth.

"Ok. Well you should try and get some rest for the next class" she says rubbing my arm.
"Yeah" is all I say and as my head touches the table darkness consumes me.

"Hey wake up we have five minutes left before lunch is over" a voice in the distance call. I look up and see Bri shaking my shoulder slightly. I groan siting up in a very painful position.  I stretch my legs and yawn feeling more energized. I have to talk to Mrs.Sanchez about this new medication.

I smile at her and she gives me a cinnamon roll and a milk shake to eat I look at it and then at her.
"I'm not gonna poison you, I just bought it ask that guy" she says pointing to a male in a red t-shirt who is now walking away.
"I never said that" I defend myself. I feel a bit hurt that she would think that I think so low of her. I take them and start eating.

I never knew I was this hungry until I finished eating. The bell rings soon after and I cuss underneath my breath. I struggle a bit before getting up with Bri's help. A few seconds later we arrive at our separate lockers which are just three lockers away to take out our books for the next class which is History with different teachers.

"Good afternoon students. Please turn your books to page forty-three and read" I hear the old trembling voice of Mrs.Donald order. She looks like she's in her late sixties but I don't know why she's still here she should have retired a long time ago.

I watch as she adjusts her hearing aid and sits on the chair then  immediately falls into a deep slumber. I giggle at the view and so did the rest of the class. But then it vanishes when I spot him.

"Heyyy Brent" I hear girls squealing his name. I feel giddy just hearing it. He smirks at the naïve girls who are busy melting over him.
Where's he going?

I ask myself when I see him making his way down to where I am siting. I snatch my head back into my book to avoid looking at him.

I  feel heat radiating next to my body and I somehow know it's him sitting next to me. I fight the urge not to look over at him but my eyes and head had other plans they both work corruptly against me and takes a glimpse at him. To my surprise he was already looking, no glaring at me.

"What?!"he snaps.
"Nothing I-" the bell rudely cuts me off.
"Meet me after last period at Mr.Webster's office and don't keep me waiting"He says with annoyance lace in his voice. Who does he think he is.

"I have a name" I remark sassily. He arches his eyebrow clearly not moved by my sassiness.  He rolls his eyes and vanishes outside with Evan who is now giving me dirty glares. I roll my eyes and proceed with the rest of my classes.
God help me.
Brent's POV

"Meet me after last period at Mr.Webster's office and don't keep me waiting"I say in annoyance.
Of course she's left dumbfounded by my words who wouldn't.

"I have a name" she remarks sassily, I roll my eyes a bit surprised at her sassiness but didn't show it.
I dig back in my memory to memorize our first encounter when I bumped into her. Then the day I saw her entering the cafeteria with my sister.

Then at the place that Bri found, when she was changing I was going to take a piss but stopped when I saw her taking off her clothes. Her body is fucking amazing and yet she hides it with those clothes.

Yesterday when I was paired with her was the same day that I got into a  miss hap with my dad who wanted to talk to me about fucking business. I see the way her face lights up with concern for her friend. Good friends don't exist so good luck for all who believe in that shit.  

I'm now in Mr.Webster's office he immediately gives us the assignment and explains to us what to do. The information isn't too hard for us to understand and we went through it with ease, we are supposed to be making any type of story and it will be added to our college credit.

After a few minutes he dismisses us. I watch as she walks before me at a normal pace then picks up when Im getting too close to her. Fucking immature.

"Wait..."I call after her but that only made her walk even faster than before. What the fuck is wrong with this woman. I stride towards her and grip her arm and she sprung around and crashes into my chest. She uses her  hand to rub her forehead  and the sweet strawberry scent from her hair hits my nostrils.

I set her arm free when she made a wincing sound. The last thing I want to do right now in this community is hurt someone's child.
"I'm going to be making a deal with you" I announce more like command. Same difference.

She freezes and looks into my eyes with her green ones. My eyes dart down to her lips and stops on a mole. I can hear her loud heartbeat as it fills the silent air. She can be of good use.
"What deal?" She asks  frowning.

"Idiot" I said underneath my breath. She's too easy.
"What did you just say?" She questions folding her arms.

I love a challenge but not now.  I take one step forward and she takes one step back until her back meets up with my car. I roll my eyes and take a step forward our faces just inches apart while her breath fans my face.

She smells like cotton candy. I look at her cheeks, they're red just like her hair. I hear her heart beating rapidly so I take a few steps back.
"You heard me" I say flatly.
She gulps.

"W-What's the  d-deal?" She asks fearfully.
"Well even though we have until exams starts which is in a few months. If I don't want to do the project leave it and if I want to do it you'll come over to my house when I say so or we'll meet up." I tell her looking into her eyes which holds terror but determination.

"Bu-" before she could finish I cut in.
"No buts or else I'll make your life a living hell. Do we have a deal" I say  in a stern voice and she backs into the car more even though she has no where to go.

"But it isn't fair I have other assignments also and I don't have time to waste like you" she snaps glaring at me. Man this girl is even more stupid and determine than I

"You should know how to work that Red head not me" I remark coldly.
"Stop calling me that my name is Ph-." I cut her off again.
"I don't care; I'll call you what the fuck  I feel like calling you" I growl. She flinches and I clear my throat.

"Now deal?" I ask narrowing my eyes at her. She swiftly nods and walks away, I walk back into my car and head home.
That was easier than I thought.

Yes I know I like nicknaming my characters it's fun.
So what do you think about Brent's character is he harsh or not? Not the best chapter so far and definitely not the worst.
Well vote;share and comment.🔸
NB: I'm an unpremeditated author who just writes whatever comes to mind so if I mess up that's why I'm editing.

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