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I could feel the concerned stares coming from both Andrea and Liam. About ten minutes have passed since class began, I haven't talked or even looked at them. Judging by how seemingly worried they are, the gossip from the people who attended the party must have reached to them, which means, the others might know as well. All I did for the past minutes were tapping the pen on my desk and I tried my hardest to keep my mind clear when both Anna's and Noah's faces keep reappearing out of nowhere. I flinched and shut my eyes. "Dude..." I hear Liam, "are you okay?" He whispers. I turn to see him looking at me with a frown.

"Do you... wanna tell us about what's bugging you?" Andrea held the same expression. Sliding downwards on my seat, I just shook my head with no will to open my mouth to talk. The two give each other looks and sighed.


"What do you mean you 'did love me?' Who the hell says that when they professed that they wanted to kiss someone else when they're in a different relationship?" I said with a risen temper.

"It was a mistake. I-I feel ashamed for thinking so, but I really do mean it when I said I loved you," Annabel defended herself, her voice pained and hoarse.

"So why did you leave me..."

I closed my eyes and embraced the darkness as I took breaths.

"... I don't understand. You left because you were afraid?" I sounded annoyed.

"B-back then... I had a relationship that ended badly, and I just dreaded to re-live it..."

"Did I make you that uncomfortable to trigger past memories?" I felt hurt.

"I'm sorry... please understand..." I could see the pain in her eyes as if she was desperately holding back the inevitable tears. I shook my head and wanted to leave until I felt her hand brush past my wrist to take a hold of it. She looked at me with pity and it damaged me to see her asking for forgiveness. It's just that, I really don't understand her motives and I wanted to just get away quickly.

As I was passing by the edge of the hall, I was startled to see Noah hiding by the corner. He must have seen our argument. Unknowing of what to do, I just decided to ignore him and walked away as fast as I could.

I just... want to be by myself for now...

By the time the bell rang, I had my bag ready and I stood up from my seat and went out straight to the door.


Math class was almost the same thing. I had my hands kept in my pockets, eyes focused on my blank desk, and paid no attention to the instructions of our teacher. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked to see Felix reaching close, "umm... hi," he said. I shook my head at him and held myself lower. "Noah... he's troubled that you aren't responding to him," he murmured.

Sighing gloomily, I spoke, "Sorry, I just, really can't right now."

I noticed from my peripheral Felix didn't seem appealed and leered to what I said. He rests himself back on to his chair facing front, "you know, you could have at least told him in some way that 'you can't' for whatever reason..."

"...You make it seem like this is all 'his' fault." He growled lowly.

Glancing back at him with a frown, I winced at myself and continued to gloom. "Sorry" I murmured.


Now it was time for the unanticipated history class. Taylor didn't say anything, but I could tell that he too is curious about what is going on; and on the other side is Noah. I couldn't bring myself to even look at him without feeling guilty or uncomfortable. But, I just wanted to take a glimpse, and once I did, we made eye contact. He looked sad, and it pained me to see him; yet somehow, I manage to break it and stared at my folded rested on top of my desk.

Nothing much went on during this period, but we did get a bit of homework later on. As I was walking out of the door while most of everyone had left, I heard my name from behind, "Brad..." I closed my eyes and held my head low to turn to Noah who wore a frown, "please, talk to me," he murmured.

My throat bobbed with discomfort. With regret boiling within me, I walked up to him, "Noah..." I started. He looks at me with mixed emotions. "I... I'm not mad at you."

"So why can't you talk to me."

Sighing, I gritted my teeth and silently inhaled a sharp breath, "I'm sorry, I'm confused, upset, I can't think... I didn't mean to act like I hate you," I pouted with remorse. Noah's eyes stared at the floor as he stayed quiet. He nods his head. I bent down lower to level with him and placed my hand on his cheek as he looks at me. I whispered, "is it... is it okay if we take a bit of time apart for a while?"

He stares right at me with sorrow, but nods once more, "if it gives you time to heal, okay..." and with that, I held him close to my arms and hugged him tightly. As much as I held so much remorse to separate from him, I really appreciated his understanding and just needed time to think and let Noah know that I was just having a rough time. "I love you..." I said.

"I love you too."

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