66 - HIM

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Rustling in my bed, my body felt warmer than usual and for some reason had less free space to move around. Peeking my eyes open, I looked down to see that Noah had completely submerged to my chest, still not awake yet. I have actually nearly forgotten that I had him sleep with me, but waking up to him by my side as a surprise to me just made the start of my day great. Grinning as I watched him take small breaths, I kissed his forehead which accidentally caused him to break him from his peaceful sleep, "I'm sorry..." I whispered guiltily as he let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning..." he murmurs adorably.

Smiling, I gave another peck to his nose. "Morning cutey," I winked. He rolls his eyes but lets out a small giggle nonetheless. "Let's stay like this longer," I said lowly with a husky tone.

"W-what if your parents see us?" He said a bit worriedly.

"Eh, they're not the type to just barge i-"

Right as I was about to finish my sentence, I was cut off by the sound of my door opening, "Brad, Noah, breakfast is ready..." the voice of my Dad emerged when his tone faded when his eyes landed on us. Noah froze stiff and my Dad just looked shocked, "ah, sorry..." he murmured before closing the door softly.

"Oh gosh..." Noah hid his face.

"Okay, my Dad may have just entered without warning, but still, let's remain like this a bit more," I said, pulling him closer to an embrace. Doing so, we calmly enjoyed each others' company and eased with the comfort of our bodies. "What did your parents say about me coming with you abroad by the way?" I whispered.

Noah was a bit quiet at first, "they seemed unassertive, but they need your parents' authorization more importantly," he sighs.


When we were finally comfortable of getting out of bed, both of us stood up and gave our bodies a stretch. Heaving a relaxed breath, I turned to Noah who was taking a whiff of his shirt. He frowns, and I ask him, "what's the matter?"

"I think I was sweating in my sleep, for different reasons, last night..." he mumbles, embarrassed. Tilting my head, I thought of giving him some clothes and walked over to my closet. Sliding the doors open, I caught a glimpse of a black baggy shirt. Grinning as I pulled it out with the hanger but also noticed Noah's hoodie that he gave to me in there. Bringing it out as well, I raised both of my occupied hands and presented it to Noah, "you wanna change?" I said. His cheeks began to flush with pink. He couldn't stutter out a word, but what I noticed was that he would shoot a very quick glance at my shirt. Quietly chuckling, I motioned him to take mine. His slightly noticeable quivering hands reached out and he held it in front of him, "a-are you sure?" He needed confirmation.

"Yeah? Of course!" I said as if I had to repeat it to him to let it be known it's okay. Nodding, he starts walking to my door and twisted the handle, "where are you going?" I said confused.

"Changing in the bathroom," he says.

I was trying to hide my growing mischievous smirk, "You can change here."

"Brad... I know we're dating, but I'm not gonna let you feast your eyes on me topless... yet," he stuck his tongue out with a look of amusement.

Blinking stupidly with a blaring blush, I frowned, "don't tease me like that!" I pouted. Noah just laughed and went out anyways. Sighing, it is true, I've never even actually seen him at least fifty percent naked in real life, but j was secretly hoping for it. Imagining it in my head, he just looks so sexy and cute. My thoughts were interrupted when I looked down at my lower self to see that I was getting a hard with my boner poking out of my shorts, "shit shit shit!.."


"Thank you for the food Mrs. Belonta! It was very delicious," Noah said with appreciation. We actually finished our eggs and sausages with a cup of hot cocoa.

"You're welcome dear," my mom said sweetly to him.

"So what are you two doing for today?" My Dad asked curiously. Looking at Noah who was also returning the gaze, I thought that we could just walk around in a nearby area. "There's a nice park for us to just hang around. Maybe we can play catch," I suggested.

"That sounds nice," my Dad approved.

"Come on," I motioned Noah to come upstairs with me so we could get ready.

As I was about to follow him, I remembered that I had to discuss my plans with Noah to them. Clearing my throat I turned to them, "mom, dad," I said, eyeing both of them. I grabbed their attention as they looked at me silently. Rubbing the side of my neck I murmured, "Umm... would it be okay if Noah... If I go along with Noah to Germany during spring break?"

"What?! Brad that's ridiculous," my Dad exclaimed.

"Brad... we can't just allow you to fly out of the country so suddenly, who's going to pay for that?" My mother added in this time.

"Noah's parents said they can," I countered.

"Brad..." my mother mumbled sadly as she placed her hand over my father's, both looking at me with fret. Glooming, I gritted my teeth as quietly as I could and broke of our eye contact with disappointment. "Okay..." I let out frustratedly before going upstairs as well.


Slipping on our shoes, we waved goodbye to my parents and headed out on foot. Walking side by side together, Noah turned to me, "your father didn't seem upset, nor did he mention it in the table about is sleeping in the same bed. That's nice," Noah said. We were nearing the park and are could see from where we are that there are a few people in there as well. A few kids playing with the monkey bars and swings, others flying kites and having a picnic, but what we didn't expect was to see someone familiar jogging around. That certain person saw us and proceeded to approach us. Clutching Noah's hand and stepping closer him, I sent a glare as the guy stood in front of us. "Damian," I muttered.

He puts up an unintimidated expression with his eyes at mine and peers lower to lock his with Noah's. "Brad, Noah..."

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