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Writing down the last few sentences while occasionally glancing up at the screen Mr. Masson put up on with the projector for our spring break quiz notes, I relaxed my wrists and let my pencil down. Last period, Annabel encouraged me to have fun and take pictures while I'm in Germany. Like Brad, I wondered if she would enjoy traveling with me. Sadly, she refused and decided that she'll stay home for now; she thanked me though. It's gonna be a little unexciting going alone. "Alright, I want you all to be quiet for the remainder of time since a few of you have yet to accomplish a few past worksheets," Mr. Masson announced with a stack of papers within his clutches. Sure enough, Brad received one later on. I raised a brow as he was hesitant to meet my eyes. He grinned, embarrassed. Taylor, on the contrary, just laughed it off and laid comfortably as he didn't get any for himself in return. My eyes drifted to James on the other side of the room who looked incredibly fixated on his phone, hands clasped on his mouth as his eyes were wide, skimming through the screen. Eager to know, I walked up to him and once he caught on to my presence, he retracted his device to prevent me from seeing it. "Whatcha looking at?" I asked.

He shook his head with a burst of nervous laughter, cheeks tinted with red, "uh... it's nothing," he smirked.

Leering at his obviously ridiculous behavior, I pushed forward, "I wanna know," I leaned on his desk. His eyes held unsureness as he took one last peek before giving me a chance to take a view.

"I swear, Kate was the one who wrote it not me. She just shared it, honest," he quickly disclaimed.

With a confused look, I checked to see that there's some sort of writing in Google docs. I whispered lowly to myself as I read the current passage to figure out what's causing him to be so flustered.

"...and with his delicate fingers, he traced over Brad's muscular trimmed chest, circling around his... nipples? Before pinching and licki-"

I gasped at the obscene script as each word passes towards very lewd actions. "James, what the heck is this?!" My teeth gritted with amorous discomfort as I pointed at his phone.

He raises his hand in defense, "I told you! Kate is writing fanfics of you and Brad," he admitted. Frowning, my trembling eyes slowly lowered once more at the screen, and I curse myself from giving in to my lustful curiosity.

"Brad grunted and growled hungrily as he felt his sensitive areas tingling; his body shaking and sweating like a randy masochist. To prevent himself from escaping any further loud moaning, he collided his lips on Noah's as he humped and strongly pounded his massive..." I gulped and let out a squeak at the continuing phrases, "... leaking cock on Noah's member. Frotting pleasures both of them as they panted. 'Daddy' Noah said."

I instantaneously tossed the phone back at James as I held my burning face and turned to the corner to hide from everyone. I could feel my erection growing and it was not good. "I am so gonna kill Kate for that," I muttered at James. He just looked at me with a pout before he began scrolling deeper into its context. "Stop reading!" I whined, covering his eyes. A few heads were already turned to us including Taylor and Brad who seemed to be slightly amused by our roughhousing.


I tugged on Kate's cheeks outwards as she whimpers, "what is with you?" I glared at her. Our table lightly jumped and our food trays shook.

"Why did you tell him, James," Kate barked at him on the other side of the cafeteria table. James hid behind Felix's frame, putting his attention elsewhere as if he had nothing to do with this while sipping away with his chocolate milk.

"You are so gross," I mumbled and sighed.

Kate winced as she made slight movements to her jaw, "that hurt you know," she rolled her eyes in pain.

"Honestly, why though?" I had the need to know why she produced such a seductive form of literature.

She blinks at me before carefully setting her phone down, "have you and Brad... touched weenies yet?" She inconsiderately babbled.

I shot back with excessive recoil. With my jaw gaped in sheer ludicrousness, I growled, "No! Kate!"

"And that's why I made my own fantasies. You two are hardly going anywhere," she pouted.

"Oh my..." we heard a voice. Mine and Kate's eyes redirected to Annabel as she had stolen Kate's phone while we were distracted and was now already delving into the hardcore raw "fan fiction."

"Kate, delete that!" I ordered her.

"No! I've spent way too much time on that ever since you first kissed him. I want action! Passion! I want you to power bottom Brad!" She was going mental; it was concerningly scary.

"Kate... you've got some weird fucking kinks, 'and as Brad released a huge spunk of hot semen and roars like a dominant tiger, he licks it off of Noah's mouth,' What even is this?" Felix had narrated and scooted closer to Annabel, taking in the horrible writing along. Not even a minute after, James joined in with the bandwagon.

"I'm working on it," Kate replied.

I let out a yelp, as I plummeted my frustrated face on my crossed arms. "You all are messed up..."

The author here: lol 69, sorry. Technically smut but not in the real-life... yet?

I was having way too much fun that I had to stop myself. Maybe Kate should take over the book from now on.

But I do need to save some for the actual sexiness at the end. Lolol

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