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Seeing as how Noah really appreciated my gift, it's been so long since I've felt this very happy in my life. While driving, I would always look at him to admire how beautiful the boy is sat beside, thinking what did I do to deserve to be his boyfriend. Keeping one hand on the wheel, my other found his soft hand placed between us and I held him as my thumb slightly tracing over his tender skin. Both of us were quiet, but we both enjoyed it well while we listened to the song playing on the radio. The city glowed and sparkled like stars as we passed by towering buildings with there windows reflecting off from different lights. "Noah?" I said under the playing music.

"Yes?" He said, turning his head to me.

"I love you."

Noah's mouth fell slightly ajar in surprise which later on formed into a smile, "of course, I love you too," he added. My heart melted at the exact moment in the exchange of words. I held his hand tighter. I wish we could stay like this forever, driving around as the shining street lights illuminated everywhere around us.


We were the last once to arrive as everyone else had been waiting at the entrance purchasing for their tickets. "Gosh you lovebirds, hurry up!" Taylor held his cupped hands to yell at us across the parking lot. Noah clung to my arm and hid his face. Smirking, I held him around his waist and pulled him closer to me as we reconnected with the others. We all stood together as we discussed which rides we could do. Noah beside me was staring at the prices for each attraction.

When we finally paid for our admission, we all pretty much separated in pairs or groups. I held on to Noah because I wanted to spend the night with him, dragging him to play or watch me in some of the games. Stood in front of a basketball hoop stand, I observed the prizes that hung above us. "Which one do you want?" I said, grinning. His eyes traveled across the stuffed toys.

I tried following the direction of his vision as I noticed his attention glued to a particularly large, baby blue colored, husky plushie, "erm... any is fine," he says, not mentioning that he had been staring at the specific toy.

"Alright then," I said, paying the employee twenty-five dollars with my money as he provides me three basketballs with twelve extra chances. My goal is to make at least twelve to get Noah the dog. Positioning myself properly and feet sturdy on the ground. I tossed the ball into the hoop and scored a point. Turning to Noah with pride, he looks at me happily as he watches me take another shot.


"Shit," I muttered to myself lowly. I made a huge mistake and only got eleven points. Staring at my last ball in hand, I took a small breath and gave a good look at the hoop. Shooting my shot, I watched as my ball launch onto the rim and bounce off, "fuck!" I cursed out, hearing the ball hit the ground. I gripped my hands in huge disappointment as I couldn't look at Noah. I felt hands brush my arm. I turned to see him giving me a small smile, "you did good," he cheered. Giving an upset frown, I shook my head sadly. Out of frustration and denying failure, I shoved my hand in my pockets and pulled out an extra five-dollar bill, giving it to the worker. "Brad?" Noah's voice had a tone of concern as I snatched another ball and just sent it straight through the hoop, scoring my last point and wasting the other two remaining shots. "I uhh... I want that one," I said, pointing at the husky in the corner. The person nods, grabbing a pole with a hook in one end to pull out the toy. He lends the plushie and I turned to Noah with a spirited look and handed him our reward. For a moment he seemed a little bit bothered staring at the stuffed animal, "something wrong?" I asked.

"You didn't have to do that," Noah peeked through the fluff that was half his size.

"It's okay, really, your birthday after all," I smiled and patted him on his head, unfazed by the amount of money I spent. Noah still looked uneasy so I motioned him to follow me around the fair, trying hard not to bump on passersby. Both of us gazed at the roller coaster with a surprisingly short line. I entered and was about halfway through when I realized that Noah wasn't following and had stayed put in the same spot, looking at me with dread. Jogging back to him, "you coming?" I asked.

He shook his head, "It looks intimidating," his voice quivered.

"I'll be with you," I said, trying to convince him with my hand holding his. Still, he refuses to come with. Pouting, I scratched the back of my head as I didn't want to peer pressure him. Looking around, I wondered if he would be fond of riding a calmer attraction like the slow rotating Ferris-wheel. Asking for his permission before heading towards it, I said to him, "what do you think?"

Giving him a few seconds, he replied with more confidence, "s-sure, I guess," he murmured. Smiling, we both immediately got to the queue and only waited for a couple of minutes before our pod arrives. The staff opens the door for us to enter and I let Noah step in first. Getting in after, the person slides the door. Noah sat down properly as he looked out of the windows to take in the colorful view of the fair and city in the distance, "It's so pretty," He mumbles in amazement, "hey look, the others are all together," Noah mention, pointing at the food stands area. Following his direction, I saw that they all were grouped together. What caught my attention was that Liam, Zack, and Taylor were in one table while Jackson was conjoined with Noah's side of friends.


"Oh wow, we're... really high," Noah brings up as he steadily glances down. We were almost to the very top as the wheel was really taking its time.

"Are you scared of heights?" I asked.

Nodding his head, he hugged the toy; his face was nestled into its squishiness, "yeah..." he mumbles quietly. At that moment, we had to take a momentary pause as I assume that another bunch of people are getting on. Looking at Noah with a very naughty look, I stood up from my spot. "W-what are you doing?" Noah says, almost sounding very frightened. Smirking, I gave a little hop which sent him into a frenzy of panic, "Brad!" Noah yelled out as his hands shot up to hold the rims of the seat.

"Oh no," I teased, sitting down beside his trembling frame and tried wobbling the whole place.

"Brad stop!" He whimpered, lightly smacking me on my side.

Being the troublesome bastard I am, I continued on rumbling, laughing as I did. Noah tossed his husky to the floor and began clinging on to me with all his might, "please... please stop..." his tiny voice shaking with his face planted on my chest. He sounded like he legitimately wanted to cry. He was trembling so much that he would not let me go. Actually feeling bad, I decided to stop and sat motionless as he remains anxious.

"Sorry..." I said with regret as I felt his strong hold begin to loosen. Sympathetic, I internally judged at myself for going possibly too far.

His eyes looked shiny as he looked up to me, "you're so mean..." he wailed. I set my arm on his shoulder and leaned on him. Sighing, he lightly rested his head on me as his breathing started to calm down. Caressing his arm, I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead; afterward, he looks at me with his beautiful eyes. He places a hand on the side of my cheek before pressing his lips on mine with a growing smile. Later on, I grinned and thought of keeping it going. I begin kissing his bottom lip and added in my tongue in his mouth. I let out a moan as we kept going but immediately stopped when an unfamiliar voice rang out, "Umm... you guys need to get out now," the sound of the door slid open seeing a flustered employee giving a look at us. Noah and I scrambled to get ourselves in order. Picking up the toy on the floor and giving it to Noah, we excused ourselves and exited out of the pod. "Oh gosh..." Noah plummeted his head on my shoulder. Chuckling, we both looked around to find the others.

I really am in love with him.

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