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I haven't left my room since the heartbreak of last night. All I've been doing recently was wallow in sadness as I still can't handle the truth of what I learned.

When I got home last night, I was enraged but as well depressed at the time that I now realized that I left Annabel behind. Exhaling a sharp irritated breath, I gave a quick message to both Kate, Felix, Jackson, and Taylor who I hope one of them would at least receive it, "bring Annabel home."

I flipped and turned around my bed, ignoring my intensely growling stomach. It's noon and I haven't eaten yesterday's dinner, breakfast, and lunch. My parents were really worried as they would occasionally knock on my door to check on me, but all I did was play it cool and dismiss them, only to resume in mourning later on. I can't do anything. I feel horrible like when Annabel broke up with me, and that same dreadful feeling is returning, only worse. All I did was have a break down in my bed, getting angrier while being conflicted with sadness at the same time. During my time here, thoughts bombarded my brain which got me more annoyed. All this time, the reason why she distanced her so. Breaking up with me years ago without even telling what that reason was, only to reveal it in the worst way possible now? I wanted to punch something, I wanted to take my anger out physically. Then, I became mad at myself, for not seeing this coming. They are very close. I got dumped by my ex, and what did I do? I proceeded to go for her fucking best friend. Why the fuck couldn't I think that there was a possibility of her producing feelings for him before? "Damn it!" I yelled out, grabbing my pillow as my fingers dug through the fabric, "why?.. why did it have to be this way?" I sobbed harder, tears running down my face and onto the plush cloth as if it had an end to it. All I could feel the wrenching dejected emotions consuming my heart.

I fell in love with both of them deeply and now I can't go back. They both have me chained tight to them and I can't control my feelings.

What have they done to me...

Feeling drained, my body is shaking. A silent knock emerged on my door I peeked at it. Walking over to it weakly, I unlocked it to see my dad with a worried look, "I brought you some food," he grins softly, pulling up a tray with a plate of mom's meatloaf, my favorite. Looking at it, I felt my eyes beginning to water again and my stomach badly hurt. I gave a quick hug to my dad and wrapped my arms around him tightly. Carefully, my dad held the tray to our side while he patted my back with his other. "Do you... wanna talk about what's bugging you?" He whispered.

Pulling back, I rubbed my eyes, "I... maybe later..." I mumbled. He nods and motions me to take the food.

Giving him a thankful look, I hold it with both of my hands and take it in, "thanks dad," I said with gratitude. He grins and slowly pulls the door shut. With my eyes rested on my platter, I held a silver fork that came with it and took a bite. Just then, my phone rang out as it got a message. I looked over to see that Noah sent a text,

"hi, Brad? How are you doing? I miss you..."

"Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Please answer when you can okay?"

Gritting my teeth, I tore my view away from it as my breathing got heavy. I tried to calm myself and tried to manage myself. Ignoring him, I went ahead to continued on with my meal in silence.

After I finished, my body rested on the bed as my eyes stared at the ceiling in silence. My entire being is tired and it was as if I have no motivation to do anything anymore. I didn't want to talk to anybody, I didn't want to get out, all I wanted to do right now is sleep and wake up the next day. Then, my phone rang out again. Wincing, I picked up my phone and glared at my screen to see Annabel messaging me.

"Brad, are you there?"

I was about to toss my phone to my side when another one came up, only this time, it was from Noah, "Hi Brad, are you up?" Staring at it, I closed my eyes shut as soon as they then start alternating texts.

"Brad, please hear me out." Annabel said

"Are you okay? Can we talk?" Noah said.

Please... please stop...


"I'm so sorry... I know my actions were wrong."

"I'm just worried about you right now..."

Shut up...


"I did love you."

"I love you..."

I stood up from my bed and rushed out to the window, pushing it open and held my device up. My grip was shaking as I planned to just throw it out, but I couldn't. I clasped my hand onto my face as I forced my tears back and fell back to the floor. I shook my head, agitated. Looking back at my phone, I held the power button to turn it down.

Please... leave me alone for now...

I'm sorry.

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