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After dropping off everyone on their respective houses, I finally got myself home, tired both physically and mentally. I stared at the doors in front of me and just knocked on it. Waiting for a few seconds, the doors opened revealing a surprised Danny, "Noah, you look tired!" He pointed out. I nodded slowly, Danny gesturing to take my bag which I gladly gave. "Would you like me to get you some water?" he asked, following me to the staircase.

"That would be nice, bring it to me in my room please, thank you," I gave him a soft smile before walking ahead up the stairs. Heading to the direction of my room, I entered and just collapsed on my bed. Letting out an exhausted breath, I tried getting into a comfortable position, not bothered by my school clothes. A minute later, a fee knocks on my door thumped. I turned to see Danny with a glass of water and my bag. Placing the drink on my nearby table and my bag near the foot of my bed, he gives me a smile, "take a rest, I'll call when Mowery's got the food ready," he says. I gave him a nod and watched him slowly close the door after exiting.


Breaking a yawn, I rubbed my eyes and patted my face while tracing my fingers through my hair. Checking the time on my phone, I read that it was only six. I decided to work on my unfinished schoolwork later and just head down. I opened the door to see a Danny who looked like he was about to knock, "oh hey," who both said at the same time.

"Your parents were just calling you to join them for dinner," he said.

"Thanks, Danny," I gave him a smile. I walk past him and started through the hall and down to the stairs. Dragging my feet to the dining area, I see Mowery setting up the table while Mom and Dad were having a talk together. After noticing my presence, they all gave me a smile. Mowery sets the last dish in front of my father and kindly excuses himself. "Rough day? Danny said you looked drained," my Dad said with a brow raised with an amused face.

"Yeah..." I replied and yawned, only reinforcing the worn-out look I have.

"Come eat with us," my mother motioned to my seat. I stood beside my chair and pulled it out. Sitting down and stared at my plate of what I think is marble Wagyu steak and asparagus. Taking my knife and fork, I barely placed pressure on the soft meat to slice through it like butter. "Anything happen?" My Father asked curiously.

My mind went back to that moment when Damien threatened me. Shaking the scary thoughts out of my head, I lied, "n-not much. I saw a bunch of old acquaintances back at TopStar..." I murmured, fiddling with the vegetables.

I saw my father make eye contact with my mother's, "Noah," she spoke causing me to glance up at her while I chewed on my delicious food. "May I ask a question," she continued and looked at Dad who also shared looks with her. For some odd reason, I always feel nervous whenever they want to question me about something even though I know I haven't done anything wrong. Maybe it's just my paranoid mind imagining that I'm being interrogated. "Sure," I said after swallowing my food.

"I was wondering about... what's his name, Brad?" She said.

I guess I have the right to be anxious this time. "Yes?" I held on to my calm composure.

"Is he really your friend, or is he more than that?" My father softly tapped his fingers on the table. I didn't say anything. My stomach was bubbling.

"It's okay honey, you can be honest with us," my mother said as she placed her hand upon my father's.

I stared at my food, then continued to look around and saw Mowery who was leaning against the door frame dividing the kitchen and dining room. He gives me a small smile and noticed him giving me a thumbs up. Still avoiding my parent's gaze, I mumbled, "he's... I-I like him..." I shut my eyes so tight that I could have pushed them back in my skull, "a-and, I guess we're dating at the moment."

My father sighed but replaced it with a gentle look, "I appreciate your honesty and for telling us, but... all I ask is that you continue with keeping your grades up," he nodded.

"I thought I heard something," my mother picked up her fork.

"What?" I said confused.

"You yelled out that you couldn't believe you have a boyfriend," she smirked.

I hung my head down low in embarrassment, "you heard?" I said, looking at her.

"You were loud. These walls may not be as thin as papers, but we can still hear things, especially when exclaimed," was all she said.

My dad laughed, "come on now, let's eat before Mowery feels bad for leaving it cold," he says and starts enjoying his meal. Here, my parents resume with their conversation as if everything's normal. Mowery had receded back into the kitchen and I saw Danny going in with my half-empty glass. "oh, and one more thing, it would be nice if you could invite him over for dinner after your performance," my mother says.

To my surprise, they acted a lot more unaffected than the time I came out to them. I'm just glad they aren't mad.

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