15 | Reconciled

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Ship Wrecked

Chapter 15• Reconciled

Recap: " 'Me head turned to face Carlos, who's eyes stared passionately back at me own, 'Yea. Ye we're okay.' "

Slowly, but surely, everythin' started to fall back into it's place. I was able to, somehow, get an excuse from going to class until Cotillion due some regulations that Fairy Godmother decided to implement, so I've taken the liberty to stay in me room until I felt better, or at least till the big event. Mal, Evie, 'nd Jay every so often come by to visit, but because of the event, they rarely have any time. I don't blame 'em, they are an important necessity to it. Mal bein' the main character. Evie stichin' 'nd fixin' dresses 'nd suits for the people attendin'. Jay havin' to prepare for a special fencin' show.

So lately, it's just been me 'nd Carlos. Ever since the talk we had, things between us have grown so much stronger. Instead of hidin' away, he talks to me 'bout what's goin' on 'nd he asks me ways he could help me feel better.

The amount of effort he is puttin' makes me regret even the thought of going back to the Isle. I wasn't as alone as I thought I was.

An echoed knock rung through me dorm room, interruptin' me from me thoughts. I turned me head away from the window that I steadily stared at.

"Hey Cyrus," Ben softy walked through me door frame as others were soon to follow with gifts in hand. I felt, well to put it frank, welcomed.

Mal, Evie, Jay, Myra, Lonnie, Jane, Ben, Willow, Payten, and me beloved Carlos came bargin' in with delights in 'ere arms.

"I hope you don't mind?" Ben stepped in front of everyone, "But I brought a couple friends." The King had that sly little smile he always has when he's up to no good. I adjusted me frame from the seat I was in, shiftin' me body to face everyone who has cheesy grin plastered on 'ere faces.

"Of course not Ben," I let a small laugh leave me lips, welcomin' me friends into me room. Evie, Ben, Mal, 'nd Jay took 'ere seats on some chairs surroundin' a desk. Willow 'nd Payten took the comforts of me bed. Myra 'nd Lonnie sat on the opposite, empty bed while Carlos came up beside me, sittin' on the ledge of the decently large one-person couch. Ben, of course, was the first to talk among everyone. "I wanted to surprise you! I know that Auradon hasn't been easy on you, and I've taken the liberty to talk it out with Fairy Godmother. After our talk, I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be from the Isle. I know you sacrificed a lot, including your family, so I wanted to bring a little family to you."

Ben turned to face Evie, noddin' his head slightly to signal somethin' that I had no clue 'bout. With that gorgeous smile, Evie locked eyes with me as she walked closer to me. I lifted me hand, curlin' up into Carlos's own.

"Eek! Okay, so, I made you two very special outfits. I know you didn't want a new dress for Cotillion and you were just going to wear an old one buuuut! I made you one anyways!" Evie gleefully cheered out, shovin' the plastic wrapped outfits into me arms. If this was anyone else, I would probably reject it, but this was Evie. She taught me what the true definition of beauty was, even if she didn't see it herself at first.

"Thank ye, Evie. I love it," I nodded me head up 'nd down, staring at the fabric through the blurred bag. I could already tell this was goin' to be a stunningly crafted dress. The glitter sparkled through the protective sheet.

"Oh, and here are some accessories! Shoes, makeup, all that!" Evie placed down a little bag right beside me chair.

"Thanks ye lass. I'd be showin' up in me trousers if it weren't for ye."

𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 [𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑠 𝐷𝑒𝑉𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒]Where stories live. Discover now