03 | Reunion

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Ship Wrecked

Chapter Three• Reunion

Recap: "Take me with you."

This was it. As I packed the little clothes that I had, I kept thinkin' back to the memories of the Isle and how much I wanted to go back. Everythin' in me was screamin' for me to come back to the place that I belonged. I was finally going to listen. I adjusted me cape, sneakin' out into the hallway to meet Mal who was quietly waiting outside, about to knock on me door. Both of us still havin' tear stained faces from all the hurt this place had caused us. I thought back to the note I left in me room as Mal and I sneaked around the back to make sure no one spotted us. With ease, we were undetected. Together, we raced downstairs through the back, brushing past the garden, into a secluded cliff at the edge of the Island. Me eyes were met with a purple motorcycle. It was our way out. "Come on," Mal pulled me forward, makin' me take a seat behind her. "I don't belong here," Mal cried out with tears begging to fall.

"We both don't belong here," I hugged her waist as she slipped on the extra helmet she brought from her bedroom. "Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere," Mal read off her spell book that she kept ever since the wand incident. She never gave it back to the museum. As she stepped on the gas, I felt the wind run through me hair, finally feelin' like this was a new start. "Please work!" Me best friend screeched out just as we fell off the edge of the cliff that lead straight into the ocean.

I felt the adrenaline pumpin' through me veins. I was scared about the spell book not working but as soon as the bike started racin' across the waves, I finally realized.

I was goin' home.

The bike bounced up and down, makin' me tighten me arms 'round Mal's waist. The bag on me side kept tossin' up and down due to the velocity of the bike racin' away.W passed right against the barrier, feelin' a power tryin' to push us out but we forced ourselves inside. Me purple headed friend yanked on the gas to make sure we had enough energy to get onto land before we crashed into the water. I felt as the land hit us roughly, zoomin' past the market's and people tryin' to sell us stuff. I pushed away Mal's blond hair away from me face just as we got off to meet the ground floor. The bike was parked in a small hidden area that was sure to gather some scallywags attention. Mal took off her helmet from her head to let loose the hidden mess underneath as I tightly held onto me bag, thinkin' over what I was 'bout to do next. The thought kept creepin' up in me head, thinkin' over and over of what I should do. Was is finally time for me to disappear? Had the time gone where I was to return to me crew, without the rest of the gang?

Without any second to react, I pulled Mal into one of the biggest hugs that I had ever gave anyone. "Thank ye Mal," I whispered into her shoulder, holdin' back the tears that threatened to stream down me sullen face. "You're welcome Cy," Me best friend mumbled into me hair, holdin' onto me body tightly. We've gone through so much. Good and bad memories surfaced me mind. She had helped me through the bad, and we enjoyed the good times. As we pulled away, she smiled at me with so much satisfaction that it made me want to back out. Was this really the right thing to do? Mal's hand outstretched to grab a rock from the cold, cracked cement floor. This was it. Her entire form was facin' away from me. With no noise at all, I disappeared into a hidden alleyway, hidin' in the darkness before whisperin', "I'm sorry Mal. Take care of yourself."

I disappeared into the darkness.

I saw as my voice caught her attention. She turned around in a panic yet she almost didn't look surprised. A sad expression grew on her face, "Cyrus?" She hushed out in a low voice, makin' me heart ache. "Cyrus!" She screamed a bit louder, lookin' around the area to try to spot me but I knew it was time for us to go out separate ways. Maybe forever. It was time to go back to me roots. "Cyrus!" She yelled out in pain, tossin' and turnin' with her hair fluffin' 'round every where. No matter how many times she called, I didn't bother to come out even though everythin' in me wanted to come out, hug her, and tell her that I was always goin' to be there for her always. "Stay safe Cy," She whispered in sadness, givin' up lookin' for me.

𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 [𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑠 𝐷𝑒𝑉𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒]Where stories live. Discover now