04 | Rebellious

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Ship Wrecked

Chapter Four• Rebellious

Recap: And I couldn't be better

The hug was bringin' me back to the good 'ol times. The times where I was surrounded by people who didn't want to change me. Who wanted me to be meself. They wanted to be me in every way.

But somethin' was naggin' me. 'Nd I knew exactly what it was.

Carlos wasn't goin' to leave me mind anytime soon. But I had to forget him, for both our sakes. As if he had cared anyways.

Uma pulled away, flushin' her braided colored blue hair out of the way. It has been a while since I last saw 'er. One of me youngest childhood friends. "Didn't think you were comin' back anytime soon," She playfully pushed me back but I knew there was a certain wrath in her eyes. She was always the envious type. "Livin the lil princess life," She mocked in a high pitched voice, almost like she's already done this before.

"Don't be a landlubber. Ye know I will never be one of those wretched, disgustin' wenches," I mocked back, makin' sure to send 'er a playful glare, knowin' damn well that this was all a little hidden cog. A small warfare comin' between our eyes. It was somethin' that everyone knew but never said anythin' in fear of one of us lashin' out. "Ye told me I was welcomed any time back. Ye change yer mind now deary?" I asked, takin' a threatenin' step towards her. I always knew she was afraid of me, but she also knew that I would never want to hurt her.

"I kept me word, aye," She nodded 'er head in understandin'. The rest of the pirates in the background were starin' us down, itchin' for a fight.

"Good," I took a step back, lettin' out a small chuckle before takin' a glance around the ol' bar. "Like what ye done with the place."

A scoff escaped 'er lips. She always hated managin' this stupid restaurant but 'er mother was always forcin' her to do unnecessary things. Her mother was a nasty critter. Never one to get involved with 'er. "Not my idea," Her tone was full with hate as she walked right back into the kitchen. I took me seat right near the main table. It was always me spot and no one dared to ever sit there. Last time a landlubber sat down 'ere, he couldn't walk for a month without gettin' a beatin'. Uma came out with another two trays and a bottle of rum, me specialty. She swung the drink with ease all across the table as it came over to me, I set me hand out, grabbin' the bottle with no hesitance. It was somethin' we were doin' ever since we were lil pups. A tray of food made its appearance by makin' a sound that erupted into echoes. Nothin' really has changed here.

A noise came from the front, slammin' open the doors. It was obviously someone who wanted to make 'ere presence known but I didn't bother to turn 'round. I was better than that. Instead, me mind was goin' back to the people that I had left behind. The way I had left Mal back 'ere was nothin' that she should have deal with. She deserves a better friend than what I am. A loud sound cracked out right beside me in an effort to try to scare me. I glanced to me right with no fear, takin' a small peek of a hook that was all too familiar with me. A smile formed on me lips as I swallowed down the burnin' feelin' down me throat. "Ahoy, Harry," I breathed out to try to contain me excitement. I couldn't act the way I acted in Auradon.

"Ay 'ere, sis," His voice has changed so much from the last time that I was here. It hurt knownin' that I couldn't be 'ere for him when he was growin' up. I was only just a year older than him but that didn't change the fact that he will always be me blood family. I looked up to him, noticin' how much he has changed. His jawline was sharper than I had remembered. He probably has all the lassies beggin' for his attention. His eyes were a deeper blue, more like the ocean waves. He truly had dads eyes. The ruffled brown hair was now longer but that was expected. I noticed as he also took in me features. His hook reached out to grab a handful of me hair, "Yer hair is longer." Harry let me hair go as I felt it fall down back onto me shoulder. I couldn't contain the happiness anymore as I opened me arms out for him. "Come 'ere," I gestured to him. A small chuckle let his lips while he pulled me into a tight hug. The feelin' was of pure bliss, knownin' exactly where I was, knownin' who I was, knowin' exactly who I will always be. Finally, I was home, with me little brother, and me childhood friends.

𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 [𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑠 𝐷𝑒𝑉𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒]Where stories live. Discover now