17 | Cotillion

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Ship Wrecked

Chapter 17• Cotillion

Recap: " 'Anyways, I heard we were talking about boys," Myra immediately sat down, glued onto the conversation. "

It was time.

The moment that I had been dreadin' for weeks.

'Nd now, I'm actually feeling rather excited about the event.

I took one last look at meself in the mirror, content with what was lookin' back at me. Although I wasn't in me usual get up with pants and a me hat, I grew to love the more feminine side of me. Evie created this gorgeous asymmetrical burgundy dress that clung to me skin all the way to me hips. The rest of the dress followed in ruffles at the bottom. At the back of the dress laid a large black bow just above me bum that clung like a belt so I was able to bring along me cutlass. There was a thin layer of lace over the dress that resembled spiderwebs or some kind of design like that. It was beautiful. And thanks to Refined Peeress class, I'm able to walk much more comfortably in heels than before.

Me hair fell into loose curls with a few pieces pulled to the back, clipped with a small bow. I had a few small braids scattered with gold accents clipped in.

I felt, pretty.

If only me brother could see me now. He'd be laughin' his hook off.

I miss me brother.

A knock echoed in me room as Lonnie 'nd Myra barged in before I could any words could be uttered. It's like they practically lived here. Both stopped dead in there tracks.

Lonnie had a gorgeous pink pants suit with a train that trailed behind like a skirt. Myra had a beautiful greek inspired dress with tight brown straps that wrapped around her body.

"Wow, Cyrus, you never fail to impress me," Lonnie stated.

"Agreed. Especially when you actually, you know, put in some effort," Myra shrugged, her usual honestly was somethin' I appreciated.

These two have really grown on me, "Very funny lassies. Ye two look stunnin'. But we should get going, it's gettin' late." I shooed them away, makin' sure to grab the little box on me bed before slippin' it into a little bag tied next to me cutlass.

The three of us ushered towards the exit, a carriage awaitin' us outside. It was meant to take us from the school to the docks where the ceremony would take place. I couldn't be happier when I found out the Cotillion was going to be on a ship. It made the event much more bearable.

Once on the ship, the three of us said our goodbyes. Jay had met Lonnie near the entrance of the boat while Myra was quickly usherin' towards the drinks. I looked around, takin' in how large the boat really was. It wasn't yer typical pirate ship, but it had everything a ceremony could need or want.

"Cyrus!" The familiar voice of me friend called out to me as she frantically waved towards me. She looked like a true queen with her blue hair tied back, a glittery blue dress with a side shoulder, and red gloves.

It was as though she was meant to rule her own world. Doug was right next to her, almost never takin' his eyes off of her. He was completely infatuated by her. It was, cute.

𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 [𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑠 𝐷𝑒𝑉𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒]Where stories live. Discover now