10 | Tongue Tied

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Ship Wrecked

Chapter 10• Tongue Tied

Recap: " I hugged back, puttin' me arms 'round his waist as I enjoyed the feelin' that I missed for such a long time. Security. "

It was the day after. The sun was peekin' through the shades of me window, lettin' in a stream of comfortable warmth circulatin' 'round the room. I lifted me top body up from the worn out couch stained with oil 'nd debris. Me arms stretched out to the sky, feelin' a strain of pain spiral down me back. I looked over to me bed to spot the sleepin' prince completely passed out, probably exhausted from the rough day he experienced yesterday.

After I found Ben in Davy Jones, I couldn't bear to leave him 'ere. He was always kind to me no matter what others said 'bout me 'nd the feelin' of guilt rushed me, so I let him sleep in me bed. Harry 'nd Uma weren't too happy 'bout the choice as 'ere was the possibility to escape but only I had the key to me room, which reassured them. They still didn't like the sound of it but the anger in me flowed out, accusin' them of lyin' to me. That was enough for 'em to stop 'ere ridiculous complain'. When I went back to me den, Ben was fast asleep on me bed, so I opted for the couch. He was nice enough to welcome us into Auradon, despite the background, so it was the least I could do. I won't let anyone hurt him. Threats can spew out of 'ere mouths 'bout death but the minute action sprung, I would be on 'em like a fish on a hook.

I got off the couch as quietly as I could to not wake him up. It was nice to see someone sleep so peacefully. Me legs forced me into the bathroom to do the basic necessities of the day. Once that was all over, I held a towel wrapped 'round me head when I noticed the king awake. "Oh, aye," I replied awkwardly, lettin' me wet hair loose. It reached down me back, all the way to mid line. It was much longer when straightened but since I never let it, the curls made it shorter.

"Hey," He mumbled in a raspy voice, rubbin' his eyes awake.

"Ye sleep okay?" I replied, lettin' a make-shift brush out of a shell run through me hair.

"Yeah, I guess," Ben was lookin' rather upset, but who could blame him.

"Hm, well, bathrooms open. Ye have an hour before the break of 11 which is when the crew wants ye up 'ere," Me hand let the brush down onto the couch before liftin' me body up, "'Nd Ben, don't even think 'bout escapin'."

His expression was masked with understandin' which was somethin' I always envied. He could easily understand how others were feelin' 'nd I wished that more people were like him. Maybe then, I wouldn't have run away.

"Cyrus," He called out as I entered the key into the knob, "Why are you doing this? What happened?"

I let out a shaky breath, not wantin' to do this so early in the mornin'. "Because, Ben, this is me home. I don't belong in Auradon. I never fit in. I belong here. Where people accept me."

"Do you think, that's how Mal feels," The king looked down at me ships sprinkled in blue with a face of sadness.

"I'm sure that's exactly how she felt, but more. She had the responsibility of becomin' a symbol for the whole kingdom. Imagine that kind of pressure on a girl who was raised on the Isle," I took a seat on the handle of the couch, "The Isle is cruel Ben. We take what we want. We don't wait 'round for somethin' to come. Mal just couldn't handle changin' 'erself for a place where she didn't feel like she belonged. People always expectin' a perfect, posh, princess. But she isn't like that. She will never be like that unless she masks 'erself into a pit of solitude. We're from the Isle, Ben. Ye must 'member that. Now, get prepped, I'll be back in an hour for ye." I nodded me head, excitin' the door before lockin' it shut. I couldn't bare to look at him any longer. All those feelin' built up for such a long time. Mal had it much worse than I ever will comprehend.

𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 [𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑠 𝐷𝑒𝑉𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒]Where stories live. Discover now