Chapter 5: Emotional Wreck

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How dare he.

How dare he! I shoved Henry away and he nearly fell back into the cool water. He looked stunned. I was too, but unlike him, I was flaring with anger. He was just a statue, his golden brown eyes wide as almonds.

I began furiously, “I can’t believe-

Henry silenced me by putting his finger against my lip. “If you want to blow up at me, do it at home. Not here where there are witnesses.”

I breathed in and out heavily and tried to calm myself down. It worked … a little bit.

“I can’t believe you had the nerve to kiss me,” I hissed. “This is our first appearance publicly and you kiss me?! You think you can just have everything-”

“Pancake, just shut up,” Henry murmured. “Why are you so mad anyway? It was just a kiss. It’s not like it was your first.”

He shrugged to show how unimportant a kiss was. My cheeks burned and I bit my lip, looking away. The truth was … that kiss just then, had been my very first kiss.

Unbelievable right? But sadly, it’s true.

That was why I felt absolutely furious, humiliated and upset. Henry had stolen my first kiss and I didn’t even like him, for goodness sakes!

hated him! He was a total jerk!

Henry’s face fell when he realised that it had indeed been my first kiss.


“That’s right, oh!” I said dramatically, rolling my eyes.

I tried to make my face not too angry-looking or else everyone would think we’re fighting already. I left Henry there and started wading through the water. But surprisingly Henry was right behind me.

Oh wait, it was no surprise.

We were supposed to act like a couple, and Henry couldn’t just be left alone in the water without his girlfriend. When we reached the softness of the sand, Henry put an arm around my shoulder which made me feel like swatting him.

“Hi,” a high-pitched voice said from my left. “You’re Henry Parker, right?”

Both Henry and I looked up to see a curly blond haired girl in a skimpy red bikini. She looked about sixteen.

Henry nodded at the girl. “Yeah.”

The Barbie doll ran up to Henry and bounced on her heels, linking her arm with his. “I’m Gabby! So like oh my god, I can’t believe I’m meeting you! What’s it like being a celebri-”

“I believe I haven’t introduced my girlfriend, Lainie,” Henry interrupted, smirking.

Even though I was mad with Henry, I couldn’t hold back my snicker. The snotty Gabby girl glared at me.

“Are you joking? She looks more like your cousin or something!” She then laughed.

Henry rolled his eyes at her. “Yeah anyway we have to go.”

His grip on my shoulder tightened and he pulled me along with him, making me stumble. He ignored the shouting of Gabby and when we finally ended up where his Ferrari was parked, we dried off with our towels from the trunk. I ignored Henry the whole time.

Then, Henry cursed.

“Paparazzi, four o’ clock, get in the car!”

I nodded quickly and slid into the car. Henry locked all the doors. The paparazzi were yelling questions like ‘who’s the girl?’ and knocking loudly on the window, which made Henry extra angry. But, wow, they were annoying!

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