Chapter 12: Enjoying The Day

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“No we’re not,” I snapped back. This couldn’t be happening.

“Yes we are.”

“You’re sleeping on the floor peanut.”

“You can’t force me.”

“I will kick you off the bed!” I threatened.

“I’d like to see you try,” Henry snickered, pointing to his oh-so-godly chest, indicating his muscles. Failing to think of a comeback, I watched helplessly as Henry took out a towel and his toiletry bag (yes, he had a toiletry bag) and walked into the adjoining bathroom. Groaning frustratedly, I searched through my suitcase to find my iPod and earphones. Listening to music always cheers me up.

After about fifteen minutes of listening to Tainted Love on repeat, Henry walked out of the bathroom with only a thin white towel wrapped around his waist. My breath hitched and I tried looking away. I tried, but unfortunately I was a normal teenage girl. I cursed myself and quickly tried snapping out.

“See something you like?” Henry asked with a wink. Alright, that snapped me out of it. Henry’s gigantic ego snapped me out of everything.

“In your dreams.”

“Oh yes pancake.” Henry said with a chuckle. He grabbed a pair of jeans and a T shirt from his suitcase and added, “You will starr in my dreams.”

Scoffing, I turned my attention back to my music and tried to figure out how to convince or trick Henry into sleeping on the floor. As I pondered on non-realistic possibilities, I distinctly heard the doorbell ring (you seriously can’t miss it) and then some talking.

Curiously got the better of me so I sat up and stopped my music. I hopped up from the luxurious bed went to open the door. I walked down the polished parquet corridor and grinned as I rounded the corner to the flight of stairs.

Talking animatedly to Arianne was April; her red wavy hair left down as usual with a pair of Gucci sunglasses perched on her head. As if sensing I was there, she looked up.

“Lainie!” She cried, hurrying up the stairs to hug me. I was yet to get used to her over enthusiasm.

“Hey April,” I said, giving her a smile. “How was your drive here?”

She shrugged as we both stepped down the stairs back to Arianne, who suddenly excused herself after Bernice had told her a call from London was waiting for her. I know right, London? “Refreshing.”

She linked her arm with mine and dragged me into a different room, most probably the lounge – with the plasma TV, the leather sofas and the large black piano on a raised platform of carpet.

“I can’t wait for dinner tonight!” April exclaimed, plopping herself on the sofa. “We’re trialling six dishes of Vivian Redalfo’s since Mom invited extra guests for the anniversary party. I bet they’ll be so yummy! I heard one of the dishes was a black forest cake! A black forest cake!”

I was slightly confused and so not used to all these … things rich people do and the luxuries they have. We were trialling six dishes of a caterer? Back at home, I’d have Instant Noodles. “Who’s Vivian Redaldal? What anniversary party?”

April clucked her tongue and rolled her lash thickened eyes. “Vivian Redalfo! She’s a caterer. I’ve never tasted her food but I’ve heard she adds nice twists to her food.”

“Ohh,” I murmured.

April laughed at my response and continued. “As for the anniversary party, it’s the day after father’s birthday. Weird if you ask me. It’s going to be mom and father’s twentieth wedding anniversary. I got them a present a few days ago! I found the champagne they used at their wedding and bought a small box. It’s very rare and it took me like a week to track the thing down!”

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