Chapter 1: Proposition Engagement

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Note: Hello lovelies! It means the world to me that you've taken an interest in this story. I hope you enjoy it and if not, that's completely OK with me too. The reason? Well, I wrote this when I was 14 years old, so as you can guess my writing skills weren't really up to scratch! However, I decided to keep Fake Fiancee on Wattpad because it was my first completed story and I have a feeling if I deleted it, there would be some angry peeps out there :P I know the first few chapters are a bit cringy but it gets better towards the end (in my opinion anyway). The first chapter includes both Henry and Lainie's POV. However, for the rest of the story it will be in Lainie's POV. Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think! xoxo

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Hollywood, Los Angeles.

“Have you seen the papers?!”

Shaking my head slowly, I sipped my cup of coffee. Who cared about the papers other than Steve? He was all about reputation these days and to be honest, it was frustrating. Granted, it was his job as my manager to think about these issues, but he could really learn to let loose once in a while. Maybe I would have to be the one to teach him that. I brightened at the thought of changing my manager’s ways, but it quickly disappeared once he opened his mouth again.

“People are doubting you right now, Henry!” he chastised. Ouch. His voice was quite loud and I had only just woken up. It was ten in the morning for god's sake! How the hell did he wake up so early anyway? Big-time stars like me needed as much dozing off as they could. “You might be a great actor and all, but you have to keep up your reputation!”

“I am keeping up my reputation,” I replied easily. I tilted my head to the side and watched, amused, as his face became more livid. “As a ladies man.”

Steve let out a loud, exasperated sigh and rolled his eyes. Typical reaction, but it was in my nature to piss people off. “Not that reputation! I’m good with you being seen as a bit of bad boy as it gains more fans, but not the male version of Lindsey Lohan! That’s just asking for some prison-time!”

I made an innocent face. “What’s wrong with that?”

Steve growled and shoved the paper in my face. It made me go cross-eyed as I tried to catch a hold of the headlines. “Tequila shots? Five girls hanging from your arms? No wonder you couldn’t get out of bed today! Literally!”

I shrugged as I remembered being woken up by Steve. He had stormed into my bedroom, yanked open the curtains so the sunshine would leak in and repeatedly yelled at me for being out of it. When it was obvious that I wouldn't get up, he had proceeded to slap me on the face non-stop. He had ordered me to get out of bed, except the problem had been that I couldn't, so Steve had been given the fun job of dragging me out of bed and to the ensuite. I had taken a cold shower after that. It was a miracle that I could actually get into the shower.

As I chuckled lowly about Steve's reaction to seeing me this morning, his face changed. Uh oh. I knew that look. He had the ‘I have an idea’ look and no offence, but he never had the best ideas.

“Ok,” he said, the tone of his voice all business-like. “Look here – We’re going to get your reputation back. Instead of the status as a ladies man, we’re going to change it to engaged.”

He grinned wide, making me want to slap it off his face. Was he kidding me?! I don’t do relationships. No way. No girl was interesting enough to make me stay faithful. They were all selfish and most of all, fake. All the girls I had been with mostly wanted me for my money and of course, my god-ass body. After being played a few times myself, I figured why not play them? The never-ending cycle worked out perfectly for me and I had no plans to change it. Sure, I've seen happy couples in the world but it seemed like any girl I was remotely interested in had the personality of a mop and brains as small as a goldfish.

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