Chapter 6: April

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On a perfect sunny day on Venice Beach, a certain young actor was spotted with a new mystery girl. Yes, that’s right, it was twenty one year old, Henry Parker! Witnesses say they had both raced through the water and that young Mr Parker had given his girl a piggyback ride. After, the two had embraced each other and shared a cute kiss! But we don’t need to think Henry has a ‘mystery’ girl, because we have possibly found out her name! Sixteen year old Gabrielle Thornton had claimed she had talked to Henry Parker and that he had introduced his mystery girl as ‘Lainie’ his new girlfriend. This has been a shock for many people, as Henry Parker isn’t the type to commit. So is it really true? Has the boy who used to get wasted at clubs every weekend finally found ‘the one?’

Yawning, I sipped my iced chocolate and out from the kitchen and into the lounge, where Henry was kicking back on the sofa reading the tabloids.

“Well done Lainie! I’m really proud of your acting skills!” Steve praised as I shuffled into the room.

Henry frowned. “And what am I, a cactus?”

“Actually you’re a jerk,” I answered nonchalantly, plopping myself on the navy leather armchair by the window. I saw Henry roll his eyes and I did too. Steve handed me the tabloids to read and I flinched at the large black and white picture of Henry and I in the water kissing.

Now was where the glitzy life of a celebrity’s girlfriend was going to start. Everyone now knew who I was.

“Anyway guys, I’ve had requests for interviews but I’ve held them off until after this Saturday,” Steve continued, clasping his hands.

“What’s on Saturday?” I asked feeling like an idiot, as Steve and Henry were both giving me weird looks.

“I’m proposing to you this Saturday,” Henry said slowly, as if I was dumb.

“Weren’t you listening before?” Steve asked. “A few days ago?”

I shrugged. I didn’t remember anything. Steve sighed. “I’ve planned the whole thing out. It was hard, but last week I reserved a table for both of you outside Wilshire Restaurant on the patio. It’ll look romantic and real. I also hinted anonymously to the paparazzi that both of you were going to be there around eight, so that’s when they’ll arrive.”

“I thought our reservation was for seven,” Henry said, frowning.

“It is. That gives you time to order, wait for the food and eat,” Steve explained. “Oh Lainie, you’ll need to find a dress to wear.”

I automatically groaned loudly. Dresses never looked good on me. “Can’t I wear like … a skirt? I hate dresses.”

Steve shook his head. “A dress.”

I grimaced making him laugh at me. “Don’t worry Lainie. It’s not that bad.”

“That’s because you’re not the one wearing it!” I burst out.

Steve sighed and turned to Henry for help but he was just smirking at us. Typical.

“Lainie, stop arguing,” Steve sternly said. “You are going to wear a dress.”

I sighed. I guess there was no use arguing since he was as stubborn as I was … I think. “I don’t even know how to pick a good dress,” I grumbled. “All dresses look bad on me.”

“That’s not true. Every girl can look beautiful in a dress,” Steve reassured. “I’ve called April to help with your shopping tomorrow. You also need to update your closet with designer clothes since they might criticise you for your fashion choice …”

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