Chapter 29: Carpe Diem

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Last night, Steve and Henry had gone through possibilities of what Veronica could have done. I, meanwhile, had been allocated the job of taking Arianne out because Steve didn’t really want to explain to his love that he had made her son fake a relationship. Arianne certainly wouldn’t be very pleased, but I had the feeling that she would still be happy because Henry and I were really together.

As I started imagining what would happen if April found out about it, I realised it was time to meet Henry downstairs. I couldn’t wait for today. I pushed myself up from the couch and quickly slipped on a pair of ballet flats before heading out the door. To me, the elevator ride took too long. I was anxious to see Henry. Once the doors opened, I rushed through them and off to the lobby.

Henry was leaning against one of the large pillars of the hotel with a small smile on his face as soon as he spotted me. “Took you long enough,” was the first thing he said to me.

I frowned. Well that was nice! “Where were you?”

A wicked grin crossed his face and he tapped my nose. “That is for me to know and for you to find out.”

I groaned and reluctantly followed him over to … a motorbike? “Henry … please don’t tell me you stole Keith’s bike.”

Henry barked with laughter and patted the seat of the red bike. “No, I rented this baby.”

Baby? It looked like I have some competitition. Henry seemed to be reading my thoughts because he gave me a gentle kiss. “Let’s get going,” he murmured.

I obeyed. We hopped on the motorbike and I felt pretty damn happy to be where I was at that moment. After about fifteen minutes of speeding through different towns, we finally arrived.

At a carnival. A fair!

“Like it?” Henry asked as we both hopped off the bike. I smiled and nodded eagerly.

“Hell yeah! Just look at that rollercoaster!”

As I started walking forward, I heard Henry chuckle at my enthusiasm. Once we got to the entrance, I bit my lip as I realised something. Tickets weren’t for free and I hadn’t brought my wallet. Damn. I didn’t want Henry paying for me; it was unfair.

“Henry,” I murmured. “I don’t think we should go come here …”

I saw his face fall, making me cringe slightly. He looked hurt and it was my fault. “What? Why? You don’t like it here?”

I shook my head. “No no, it’s not that. It’s just … I forgot to bring some cash.” I said the last bit in a low voice. To my utter surprise, Henry started laughing. I looked up, incredulous and smacked him on the arm. “It’s not funny, you peanut!”

Once the jerk sobered up, he gave me a soft look. “Lainie, it’s a date. Do you know what that means?” He asked while I stood there motionless. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “It means I’m paying for everything.”

I shivered from the proximity and eventually caved in. When we entered the fair, my eyes went wide. There were so many things to see and do. Henry could sense me being overwhelmed so he pointed out the Funhouse. I agreed and we both had a hilarious time trying to get through the ‘barrel of fun,’ getting down or up tipped staircases and making our way out through the distorting mirror hall. We headed off to the bumper cars after and instead of sitting in the same car with Henry, I got into my own. “I’m going to get you pancake,” he threatened with a mischievous grin.

“I’d like to see you try!”

And off we went. ‘Party Rock Anthem’ came on and everyone around us started going in the same direction. How boring. I pressed down on the pedal and zoomed towards Henry while he did the same to me. At the last moment, I swerved off to the left and did a quick turn to bump his car from behind.

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