Chapter 30: Crashing Down

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My heart dropped the second Steve uttered those two words. They know? Who knows? Who knows what? I wished I could speak but I found that I was slightly dumfounded.

“Here.” My uncle tossed the paper to us and Henry slowly unfolded it with shaky hands. I leaned in closer to get a better view and was horrified with what I saw.


The sudden engagement of handsome movie star Henry Parker and Lainie Watson has baffled me since day one. Of course, I was awfully happy for the Hollywood actor to find "the one", but there were loopholes in his story. Why hadn’t we seen or heard of Lainie Watson earlier? Surely someone would have met her, but no one has.

An aonymous source has informed me that the reason for this is because their lovely engagement is fake! I know, I was truly shocked when I found out but on the other hand, I wasn’t that surprised. We all know Henry Parker is not capable of settling down with just a girl.

Check out these texts leaked out straight from Lainie Watson’s cell phone to come to your own conclusion!

Henry: It’s nearly midnight. Come home. – Where was Lainie exactly and what was she doing at MIDNIGHT?!

Lainie: I think I stay here however long I want. – Ooh, there’s a bit of tension there, don’t you think?

Henry: COME HOME. I don’t trust Hudson. – Who is Hudson? Could he possibly be THE Hudson Miller, who is Henry’s crime partner in his new movie which is still filming?

Lainie: This whole thing is fake anyway. Why are you so worried? – What's fake? Could it be their...ENGAGEMENT?

Henry: I don’t care. I don’t want you near Hudson cos it’s bad publicity, so COME HOME.

There you go! Let me share a theory of mine ... could it have been possible that Henry had hired Lainie Watson to be his fiancée so he could get his reputation back? It’s quite obvious, since he was always Hollywood’s ‘party boy’ before. I remember those days when the headlines were about Henry getting so drunk at the biggest parties and hanging around a billion girls! I’ve also talked a bit with my good friend, the lovely Veronica Pierce (Henry’s co-star in his new movie) and she’s said, “I’m not surprised. I’ve seen Hudson and Lainie together all the time. They’ve gone out and had fun and it’s so obvious they have feelings for each other.” When asked about if Henry had any interests in other girls, she confessed bashfully, “Well actually, Henry and I have been getting along so well! We’re quite intimate with each other.”

That was when I stopped myself from reading more. This was obviously the work of Veronica. She had said her opinion of my relationship with Henry in the gossip column herself! That snitch!

“They know it’s fake,” Henry stated slowly.

Steve nodded grimly and turned to me. I was suddenly starting to sweat bullets. “Lainie, where is your cell phone?”

I bit my lip as I tried to remember desperately where I had placed my phone, but I couldn’t remember. I hadn’t used the thing in days! “I … I don’t know,” I stuttered.

I gripped Henry’s free hand in panic and questions swirled in my head. How had my cell been stolen? Or had I just simply misplaced it? My head hurt just from thinking about it.

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