please read

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hello people of Wattpad! I'm sure you've heard of it by now but incase you haven't, please read. there is this thing called pridefall and all though there have been reports of it no longer going on, please just be careful. on the 1st of June a group of people plan to target a bunch of lgbtq creators, even small people who don't even post but simply say that there part of the community. there sending disturbing videos and pictures, outing people to there families and even finding out where you live and posting that on the internet, putting not only you but your family in danger. I ask that you be safe during this time, wether you LGBTQ or just an ally, please please take care of your self. don't post any private info, don't respond to homophobic comments or text, don't put yourself or others in danger in anyway shape or form.

this is disgusting and awful but don't let it get you down. stay strong and if you need to talk to someone you can text me, wether it be for validation or reassurance I'm here, I don't want my readers or anyone else getting hurt by these awful people wether it be indirectly, directly, physically, mentally, whatever.

if one of these awful people text you, don't respond, block and report them, please.

stay safe!

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