chapter 12

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"okay?!" they all exclaim out of shock after a beat of silence, there bodies losing all tension but faces holding a lot of confusion.

"Mm-hmm!" I hum, skipping up to phoenix and stealing the half-eaten donut out of his hand. I giggle as he glares at me, seemly over his shock. "what do you expect me to say?" I ask the villains, quickly eating the rest of the donut before phoenix can take it back.

Dabi is the one to answer, eyeing me as he speaks. "something along the lines off, 'villains! In that case, prepared to be brought to justice,' then you know, fighting... and stuff..." the rest of them nod their heads in agreement, most of them still looking lost.

I shrug my shoulders, "heroes, villains what's the difference? We live, we die, we take lives, we save lives. We're all just human. Well... kinda..."

"that was deep."

"holy fuck."

"where did you find this guy Toga?"

"in an alleyway."

"I like him."

I sigh as the speak before speaking, "yeah yeah yeah. You're all surprised, get over it. now, can I see your wings phoenix?!"


I got back to the dorms just before six, however I had been gone for twelve ours. We had been at the mall for six, and all that time phoenix had time frozen. We all messed around and stole some stuff, even though doing that started up another argument up between the two voices in my head it was still fun.

After the demon reached his limit, we left the mall and wondered around town, entertaining ourselves until I had to leave. By the time I had to go, I had made three new friends. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see phoenixes wings though, something about it being dangerous and not wanting to kill me so soon.

I drop the many bags I was holding into my closet before getting dressed for the day, spraying myself before I leave. I didn't have anything to do today. I was supposed to go to the mall, but I had already done that.

All I knew was that I needed coffee, and I needed it now. So, after I was dresses, I sprayed myself and practically ran down to the kitchen only to find smoke everywhere.

I giggle as a yellowed haired wolf comes running out of the kitchen, face black with soot. I was confused for a moment before I hear an explosive teen yell, "dammit! Who the fuck let Pikachu into the kitchen!"

I giggle and enter the smoke infested room, coughing as I make my way to the coffee machine.

Nothing is going to stop me from getting my coffee.

I could hear multiple smoke alarms going off as I poured a cup off heaven, wondering what denki burnt this time. My face goes blank as I hear Katchan yell from somewhere beside me, "how the fuck do you burn water!?"


I was sitting in the living room drinking my third or fourth, maybe tenth coffee, watching as bakugou and Todoroki talked, when the undeniable pain hit me. Dropping my cup, it landed on the floor with a smash, brown liquid soaking into the carpet. I whimpered as I held my stomach, Todoroki, bakugou and everyone else in the room save from Iida and Uraraka stepped forward to see if I was okay. They all stopped in their tracks however after smelling the room, realization and pity all flashing over their features. Again, save from Iida and Uraraka.

I curled up into a fatal position, an over whelming heat consuming me. Most didn't know what to do, none of them having to go through this every month and only a select handful ever assisting the omega in need.

Strong arms go under me, lifting me up. I don't need to look to know who it was, the sparks and bliss that instantly arrived at the touch. I moaned at the feeling, the pain quickly fading away. I didn't notice how Todoroki stiffened at the sound of it. Didn't see the look he gave to bakugou nor the look that was sent back. I didn't realize that coming down for coffee this morning would be one of the biggest mistakes of my life. And I wouldn't, not until my heat finished...


Todoroki carried me up to my room, bakugou close behind. He used his quirk to keep me cool, not that it was needed, his touch alone was enough to stop the pains. Though I wasn't exactly sure it was going to help stop my pants from becoming tight.

Just tell them, we all know that you want them in your bed. Who cares about collateral?

I do!

That's because you're worse than Iida

How dare you compare me to that scum!

I close my eyes as there fifth argument of the day starts, wondering if I should just tell them. at this point I couldn't care less if it had been All Might's life on the line, I just wanted heat to end and the only way the was going to happen was if, well to put it bluntly, if I was fucked by my two mates until I couldn't walk.

I open my mouth to speak as they push open my dorm room however the two voices break away from there argument and speak to me again.

You're going to get rejected you know? You're a crazy omega, who'd want that?

He's got a point... not about them not wanting you but you lied to them, I know I wouldn't want you after that.

I snap my mouth closed, letting out a pained whimper as I held back my tears. Lucky, they don't notice, and if they did, they just shrugged it off as my heat. Were the voices right? would they reject me? probably, I mean they actually fucking agreed on something. And I wouldn't want me either. Who would? No one...

I let out a whine as I'm placed on my bed, the heat returning to me in an instant. I immediately jump off my bed, not paying attention to the overwhelming pain or Todoroki stepping towards me, trying to comfort me no doubt. He stops however when bakugou grabs his arm, nodding in my direction. Todo looks back at me, immediately knowing that I was nesting.

I had already shoved al my blankets and pillows on the ground, however before going into it I spun around to face the two alphas, startling them with the sudden movement. I whine and grab both of their wrist, pulling them down onto my makeshift den with me, making sure I was in the middle.

They both went still before hesitantly wrapping their arms around me, still silent. Almost all of the pain vanished, my breathing evening out and body cooling down. It wasn't exactly what my body craved but it was enough. I didn't pay any mind to the moans occasionally leaving my mouth, brain to much in overdrive to process what the consequences may be. and each time one of them moved I would growl and whine at the same time, thinking they were going to leave me.

I fell asleep not long after, faintly hearing Todoroki and bakugou whispering about something.

"open your eyes katsuki,"

"fine, I'll search his room and if I find anything that supports your claim, we'll confront him. But I highly doubt you're right."

"I'm telling you... midoriya is, somehow, out mate."

Not good! Not good at all! But I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes, and soon found the memory slipping away from me like sand in someone's hands.

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