help :(

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Okay, so incase you guys didn't read my annoucement my mum has recently allowed me to to order my first binder. This, obviously, made me very happy and now I'm in the mood to write. There's just one problem.

I have no idea what to write

I want to start on my new story, so, if you guys have any ideas on how I should start it, please tell me! Once I get the starting down it will be smooth waters for me, I just suck at starting books. This normally leads me to doing something like, being late for school, but I want to change it up a bit.

So.... Help? Please? You guys are always coming up with amazing theorys and suggestions for this book so I thought I should ask you how you want/think the beginning of the new one should go!

The next chapter of this book ( Just A Little Crazy) will be out soon so don't worry. Whether or not that chapter turns out happy just depends on how long it takes for my family to ruin my good mood.

Just a little crazy (finished)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum