chapter 7

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Warning, mentions of selfharm


Its been a week since I punched Uraraka. We don't talk to each other anymore, in fact, no one really talks to me anymore. They act like I'm a ticking time bomb and each time my mood changes they all flinch away. I think news about why uraraka was out for three days spread around.

On the bright side however, I made a new friend. Shinso. He's actually quite cool. And he doesn't care that I have a few loose screws.

I introduced him to denki and kiri. He thought they were weird at first but now there best of buddies, not that he'd admit that though.

Todoroki and Katchan were already friends with him. Well Todoroki was at least, Katchan not so much...

All five of them tried to get me to open up, talk about how and why I tried to kill myself among other things.

Keyword being tried.

Each time the topic would come up I would walk off or pretend I didn't hear them. either that or I would just swear over and over again.

That however stopped when Todoroki found out. He made me write lines. Fudging lines.

Eventually they gave up, letting me open up when I'm ready. Three of the two still don't know I hurt myself, kiri and kami keeping it a secret like promised. They both warned me however that it wouldn't take them long to figure it out. I already knew this though, there not idiots. Sadly.

Currently, I was trying to convince the two alphas to let my other three friends join the band. It wasn't going well.

"I said no," Katchan repeated, him being the only one to speak this whole time. We were in the theatre room, rehearsing for our weekly show at the café down the road. It was my first show and I was ecstatic; however, I really wanted my friends to join the band and I wasn't going to give up easily.

"why not?" I pouted, picking up the microphone.

"because there fucking idiots," he answered, already sitting behind his drums.

"how come he's allowed to swear!?" I whine to Todoroki, when all I receive is an unamused look, I go back to whining at Katchan.

"there your friends."

"correction, two of them are. And that doesn't mean they have any talent."

"they do though! Kiri and kami are amazing with the bass guitar, or any guitar for that matter, and shinso is really good with the keyboard or piano plus he can sing! They all can! Two just don't like to!"

He lets out an annoyed groan, looking over at him mate before turning back to me saying, "fine, ask icy-hot."

I turn my puppy eyes to Todoroki, who smiles and shakes his head. "sure, why not? Tonight, we go to our gig, and tomorrow we'll hold auditions for them."

I clap my hands together with a giggle, poking my tongue out at Katchan who was glaring daggers at an oblivious Todoroki.

"tch, whatever, can we just start now?" he grumbles, making both Todoroki and I laugh.


After rehearsal we all go out separate ways. Todoroki asked if anyone wanted to go get a drink, but I turned down the offer, the spray that hides the mate bond needing to be reapplied. Id be lying if I said that me spraying myself more often wasn't affecting me. Katchan also declined the offer, something about needing to study.

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