chapter 34

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sorry guys, i was suppose to post last week end but one of my best friends boyfriends broke up with them and she had a mini breakdown that required my immediate attention. so... here's an update! hope you enjoy!

Dabi's pov

"what the hell?" I whisper, eyes wide as I take in the sight of the demon in front of me.

I'd only ever seen phoenixes true form once before during one of out raids. It was then I gained the first snippet of respect for the moron. They don't call him the prince of hell for nothing after all. And despite what people think, it's not all because of who his father is.

With blackened claws that coloured the tips of his fingers the same midnight black, eyes that swirled with power, sparks igniting under his feet, burning the ground he walked on. And his wings. Feathered all over with black roots and flaming red tips. Soft on minute then razor sharp the next. It wasn't so hard so to why he was so feared.

Though, despite the immediate fear drilled into people upon seeing his true form, he never showed it. Because to show his true form, he'd have to show his wings.

None of us knew the full reason as to why he didn't like showing them, we only know it had something to do with his late mother and the sight of them always driving his father into a depressive state.

I guess from a young age he'd learn to grow guilty over the sight of his wings. Quite upsetting if you think about it.

Now, however, one of his beautiful wings were crumbling, the feathers slowly falling off the reveal a bone structure. And whilst it was still beautiful, it was more a chaotic beauty compared to the classic and safe one its twin was.

I take a step forward only to pause when the demon violently flinches back, and just like that, I'm drowning in a sea of guilt.

I've never seen him so... vulnerable.

Normally I would just sneer and call him weak. Spit on his feet before turning my back on him. I wasn't one for emotional support, that was more... actually no one I know is good with emotions.

And our relationship wasn't one that required support. It was mainly built on insults and throwing first.

So why did I feel the need to comfort the ignorant idiot?

It didn't make any sense!

"go on, tell me how ugly it is. Tell me how much I fucked up, how my mothers once beautiful wings are now tainted because of my stupid attachment to that little hybrid! I know you want to. Your little bitch of a self must be jumping with the chance to torment me even more all with the knowledge that I can't do a single thing about it."

My eyes flash at the blatant disrespect in the snarled words before I realise I have no right to lash out.

It was a weird feeling. To know that you're in the wrong. To do something to someone that you would kill them for if they did it to you thinking that it would turn out okay.

If the tightening of the demon's jaw and clenching fist were anything to go by, I would say he was just itching to plunge those blackened claws into my chest.

I suddenly become very relieved that Tomu made him take that oath.

"deku?" I question, coming back to earth. "what's... this, have to do with him?" I almost wince at how soft my voice was, a voice I've only ever used with my mate and youngest brother.

His laugh was bitter and cold, and if I didn't know better, I would say it sounded... broken.

"it's funny how everyone things that my father can just make Deku a demon with a snap of his fingers." The words were whispered, and if looked up from his feet to meet his eyes I would see the tears. But I couldn't.

Just a little crazy (finished)Where stories live. Discover now