I can see Aiden

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Keily's POV

Reaching headquarters I made my way inside. I went to meet boss to hear the task that we are going to do. My boss nodded at me to follow him.

We stood before large screen and with many monitors by side." So Agent 5, this is the task! You are going to rescue some of our country people and you will return. There will be agent 15,103,99 accompanying you for the mission!"

There is nothing risky in this operation then why I have been summoned during my vacation.

It's not like I'm complaining. I'm just curious.

"And the thing is 5, that the people you are going to get are in three different places and one among them you have little risk. It's that you have to enter the world's first mafia base", my boss added.

So this the thing. Entering an mafia base is like giving your head voluntarily to behead.

It's not little risk. It's like survival chance is about 0.001 percent.

I said okay to my boss .My boss nodded and wished good luck. This will be the first time that we are entering a mafia base and it will be pretty risky.

I have to discuss a detailed plan with Emma. If one second goes wrong the mission will be out of our hands. If we caught in hands of mafia there will be a least chance for survival.

They are brutal than military. We have to be extra cautious.

Three days later

Agent 99 and 103 already returned to the base after we rescued people from other two places.

I and Emma alone will be entering the base after two weeks.

Two weeks later

It's around 2 am in the morning. I and Emma sitting on tall tree for entering in base.

The base is located in underground. There is only one way to enter and it's guarded by 15 guys with fully loaded with guns.

"So Em we will go and knock out them in entrance and later you will wait outside and I'll be going inside for rescue and I'll be back by 15 minutes from entering and if I'm not you will return to our base", I ordered her.

I can't risk Emma entering with me and she seemed scared. "No,Keily I will come along with you", she seemed worried.

Ignoring her statement " we will be going now". I said and hacked CCTV for 20 minutes.

Jumping from the tree I wore my hoodie and mask and went to entrance. Emma followed me. It took about 2 minutes to knock that 15 guys.

I made my way to entrance and nodded at Em. She started to follow me but I gave a dead glare towards her and she stopped.

I closed my eyes and  took a heavy breath. I don't know why that stupid Aiden's worried face came across my mind.

Shaking my head I entered the base. I followed the blue print and took my gun and added silencer to it. I fired everyone in my way and sneaked in very well.

A particular guy fought well with me! But what to do? I'm way better in my skills!! That dude is a newbie! After killing him I searched for hostages.

I saw the hostages and made my way to the door.I broke the lock and went inside.

They seemed relieved after seeing me. When I went to release from their lock I'm shocked. Holy shit!!! It's a bomb. How the hell I'll diffuse it??? It's already time. We have to move out before getting caught.

Fortunately a hostage knows how to diffuse it. After 3 minutes they are free. We just have one minute time to go out after that this place will be bombed by our base.

We hurriedly made our way outside and while reaching top I jumped and the building bursted.

I felt relieved and at the same time happy. I don't know why I felt happy that I CAN SEE AIDEN AGAIN. I groaned internally for my stupid thoughts.

Another Update! Hope you liked it!Do comment and vote !!

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