Nosy Gnomes

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        It was staring at me, with its pointed red cap and painted beard. That was the first thing I noticed upon opening my eyes. Some strange stone like creature was watching me intently. It was a..... gnome? I shot up and scooted away as though I were on fire. "What? Who are you and why are you watching me?" I demanded, searching for a flicker of power to come to life. I had dead batteries and there was no time and no one to juice myself up with. What was the point of being supernatural when I was just as weak as a human without some man candy to feed off of regularly.

     "Jinx is gnome, Jinx watch little Succubus for Majesty Succubus. He watch and report if any powers show, if little Succubus a threat Jinx bring her to Majesty Succubus. But Jinx think little Succubus very human, she sleep for long time. No threat she is, Jinx knows." The little gnome chirpped, giving me a firm nod. My mind raced to process his strange talking. The current Succubus queen? Was she my mother? Was I a threat to her? How? Why would she just abandon me to a human world and leave me to flounder alone in this new world? Did she not want to lose her throne? I'm just some stupid girl fighting to go back home, so she can keep her damn kingdom for herself.

     "Thank you Jinx, but you really don't have to watch me. I'm just me, just good old Aspen. Anyway come on, let's go get something to eat." I smiled softly, before getting up and leading the little gnome out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I ignored the living room full of people and kept walking. "Jinx is hungry, Jinx thinks little Succubus is very nice. Much nicer than Majesty Succubus, Jinx likes food." The gnome grinned happily, exposing sharp looking teeth behind small lips.

       "Well we have some leftover burgers, want one?" I asked while pulling out the patties and placing a bun in the toaster. I pulled out some cheese and ketchup, along with lettuce and onions. Jinx nodded enthusiastically and I made two burgers. Once done I handed him a plate and grabbed my own. We sat across from each other at the small table and pigged out. "Jinx likes this very much, he is now friends with little Succubus." Jinx grinned with ketchup all over his stone face. I laughed and passed him a napkin. He was a quirky little thing and it was adorable.

     "Um, Aspen? Why are you with a gnome?" Violet asked as she walked in quietly, she looked weary of little Jinx. I took another bite of my burger and contemplated answering her. "He was sent to watch me and report back to someone he calls 'Majesty Succubus' but we're friends now." I said nonchalantly, before shooting her a weak smile.

     "Gnomes can be like the bulldogs of the human world, it's bad that one has been sent to watch you. At a single order he could rip you to shreds." Violet croaked out, looking thoroughly frightened. I looked at her and then at Jinx, no way could he hurt me. He was small and chubby like a toddler, he couldn't harm a fly. Then I remember his sharp teeth and a shiver ran up my spine. "No! Jinx is friends with little Succubus, he no hurt her even if Majesty Succubus says to! Jinx likes little Succubus, but he doesn't like mean nymph lady." The gnome exclaimed, shooting Violet a suspicious glance.

      "See, I told you he wouldn't hurt me. Me and him are homies now, isn't that right Jinx?" I asked, putting up my fist so that he could fist bump me. He did so with much enthusiasm and I had to shake my hand out in pain. "Yes, Jinx likes to be homies with little Succubus!" He chirpped happily.

     "Okay, anyway are you ready Aspen?" Violet asked, before looking at me expectantly. I froze halfway through swallowing a bite of hamburger. "Wha?" I asked with a mouth full of food and a confused expression.

      "Did you not see the group of competitors in the living room? The competition is going to start tomorrow!" Violet yelled at me, appearing as though she wanted to throttle me.

     "Oh, oops?" I mumbled sheepishly, I had finished my burger and put the plates in the sink. I guess it was time to meet the competition. And then destroy them. "Lets just get this over with." I groaned, throwing my hair up into a messy bun and tugging on one of Violet's hoodies. I looked like a hot mess and I couldn't care less. Violet led me into the living room where nine males were seated I knew half of them already but the others eyed me like meat. Which was probably all I was to them considering I couldn't breathe without someone acting all possessive.

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