Pesky Packs

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I was in hell, that was the only explanation. Obviously I had died and this was my eternal punishment. As of now my neck was aching, my legs were asleep, I was hungry, and stuck between two arguing morons. "Can we please stop and get some food? I'm starving back here!" I groaned, shrugging out from underneath Colton's arm. I was getting so annoyed of this stupid pissing contest. Each trying to stake their claim on me very five seconds made me want to drain them both. "One pit stop coming up, gorgeous." The driver, whose name was actually Jace responded to me cheekily.

"Don't talk to her!" Jared growled out at the exact moment Colton hissed, "I'll rip your tongue out for that!" It would have been funny if it hadn't been about me.

"Hey! You two knock it off, if I want to flirt with him I sure as hell will!" I scolded them, giving each a hard smack to the back of their heads. I knew why Jared had suddenly become possessive of me but Colton just confused me. I had never fed from Colton, in fact I hadn't even "activated" until my face off with Sam. So why was Colton acting as though I was his? My train of thought was broken as Jace slammed on the brakes and parked the car. "We're here, I hope you like burgers." Jade announced before opening his door and stepping outside. He had been driving for six hours already and seemed even more stir crazy than I was. But since the car was parked I practically flew out of it like a bat out of hell, just to get away from them.

We were at some sleazy roadside diner that had more prostitutes than I had ever seen. But it was fun to watch greed light their eyes as three more huge cars parked and my pack of hellhounds emptied out. Of course all the males only had eyes for me, my safety was their number one priority. Of course that didn't mean a few of my men didn't cast the girls a couple of longing looks. As my pack grouped up around me I was surprised to see the hate filled glares the prostitutes sent me. So I rushed everyone into the diner with haste. The whole group took up half the diner, after all there was about twenty of us. I made sure everyone had ordered before I rushed off to relieve my bladder, that was my mistake. I was cornered by four of the girls while washing my hands. And they were anything but human.

"What are you doing on our turf, girl?" An extremely tall brunette began yelling at my face. My eyebrow quirked up in confusion as she continued yelling her questions. "Sorry, I'm just here for a meal. I'll be gone soon, just back off." I snapped back at her, not backing down from her intimidation tactic.

"Ha the human whore doesn't even know she's banging a pack of shifters with a rogue vampire! Ash is going to love this, well her at least. He loves breaking the pretty ones." The brunette chuckled darkly, before her eyes glowed brightly. She couldn't tell that I wasn't human, she couldn't sense I was a Succubus. Well, thank god for the little things. "Ash?" I asked, wanting to know who or what I was dealing with.

"Yeah, our Alpha. The one who's on his way to run your friends off his territory and to take you as a sort of payment for trespassing." She was just full of nasty information, and mean humor. With a flash of panic I pushed her out of my way and ran out of the grungy bathroom, hearing deranged laughter chasing after me. I was too late, I knew it just by the tense atmosphere surrounding the dinner. I turned the corner and spotted Jared being pinned to a wall by his throat. The man was unfamiliar and radiated power almost as strongly as Colton. My eyes landed on the feral looking strangers that had cornered my pack in their seats. Anger rushed through my veins like a shot of adrenaline. Colton was being held down on the ground by three huge strangers, and he seemed angrier than I was.

Before I could do anything a slim, bony hand wrapped around my arm and dragged me forward with terrifying strength. Fake nails dug into my flesh as the tall girl called out, "Here she is Ash, the human whore that runs with these dogs."

I felt my strength surge and had to resist the urge to toss the girl across the room like a dirty towel. Her will was weak, I could feel it bending to my own. Her skin was touching mine and I could feel her need to please me. She was no longer glaring at me, but smiling at me lovingly. Until, her Alpha turned around and called for her. "Clara, bring her closer." His voice was deep and rough, as though he ate children for breakfast. But with my powers surfacing I could read him like a sign, he craved someone who didn't fear him. Someone he couldn't break, someone like me. I could manipulate his feelings easily, he would be putty in my hands. The Alpha himself was tall and strong, with broad shoulders and an even stronger jaw line. His eyes were an intense gold color and he had shaggy chestnut colored hair. He would've been handsome if he didn't have such a cruel, stone like face. He showed no emotion except for anger, it was unnerving.

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now