Broken Bottled Bars

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    The smell of stale cigarettes and cheap booze invaded my nose as I woke up. The rancid smell had me gagging and completely alert. My stomach growled but was lost to a pulsing bass. Music blared nearby but was luckily muffled somewhat by walls. I was laying on an old worn out red couch that smelled faintly of sex. With a wretch I threw myself off of the vile thing and hit the floor. "If you didn't like my place you could've just said it, you've hurt my feelings now. Mean little Succu-bitch, you got here Colt." A snappish voice prattled on with a slight Irish accent. I looked up as two black combat boots stepped in front of my face. My gaze trailed up a long pair of dark jeans and up to a black t-shirt stretched tight across a wide, well muscled chest. I nearly choked on my own tongue as I saw an older, hotter version of Colton. He had dark blond hair that was almost brown and dark navy colored eyes. His face was strong and masculine with a defined jaw line dotted with stubble and dark, brooding eyebrows. His hair was spiked up slightly in the front but was otherwise just messy, as though he had just rolled  out of bed. He would have been gorgeous if not for the permanent smirk etched onto his face.

     "You have to be fucking kidding me! This is your brother, this douche nozzle?" I burst out, completely unable to contain my dude thoughts. But something just seemed off about the guy, I mean he just seemed like a total dick. I understood he was a vampire but seriously? Fang face needed to tone down the undead asshole vibe."Well aren't you a sweet one?" He grumbled while shooting me a glare.

     "Yes Aspen, the douche nozzle is my older brother. You know the one competing, so pissing him off probably won't help you if he ends up winning. Gage this is Aspen, Aspen meet Gage." Colton looked smug as he played peace keeper, I wanted to smack the smirk off of his face like a bad itch.  Both of them were arrogant ass hats. I stood up from the floor and fought back a gag as I glanced back at the couch. "Hey, quit giving my couch nasty looks! We all know yours is much worse, being a Succubus and all." Gage said snidely, giving me a look filled with contempt.

      "Um, excuse me! If you're insinuating that I'm having sex you have another thing coming asshole!" I exploded as his insult hit home, I was a virgin thank you very much! With a glare I punched him in the face before turning around and storming out the door. Immediately I was thrown into a crowd of people, most of them drunk or drugged. I don't think anyone was human as I spotted several tentacles further away in the crowd. Hands groped at me and I recoiled back. It seemed as though I were taking one step forward only to be dragged back four steps. A large pair of hands grabbed my hips and jerked me back roughly, I gasped in outrage. But before I could get away a curvaceous blonde pressed herself against my entire front. She was almost as grabby as the guy still holding onto my hips. The guy was tall and lanky, that was all I could tell since he stayed behind me. The blonde however had large brown eyes and a small nose. She was a few inches taller than me and was wearing tight leather pants with some kind of ripped up crop top.

   "Hey, get off of me! Let me go, stop it!" I ordered while struggling to pull myself from their hands. Sharp claws dug into my hips from behind and I was pulled back with more force than necessary, lips touched my neck and I cringed in disgust. The sexual energy in this place was out of this world and I fought to stay in control as my instincts urged me to feed. Only I wasn't hungry for energy, all I wanted was a nice fat burger and some fries. But first I wanted these two off of me. "You'll be fine human, we just want to have a little fun." The blonde woman grinned and her gums were filled with sharp, almost shark like teeth. I gasped and jerked hard to get away. I didn't even move. The guy holding me was extremely strong but his energy was weak, if I fed he would die.

     "If you look like that, I'm almost relieved I can't see him." I barked out sarcastically, getting a rush from the rage that flashed in her eyes. However when sharp fangs pricked my neck I knew I was screwed. I had a vampire behind me and some human-shark hybrid in front of me. I swallowed loudly and kept myself perfectly still. "You know I'm getting really sick of being tossed into these situations." I muttered, watching as the woman stepped back to watch whatever her partner was about to do. With no hesitation I brought my leg up and slammed my foot into his kneecap and then down onto his foot. I jerked my elbow back and nailed him in the ribs before head butting him. Instantly I was released and I spun around, ready to continue my assault. The sight of the creature in front of me had me shivering in fear. The claws were definitely new, but the guy was not a werewolf or a vampire as I had assumed. He was something completely new and terrifying. The guy had longish blonde hair with hints of russet in it and tawny eyes the flashed angrily. He resembled a lion in human form. "Guess she doesn't want us to play nice, I might just keep her just for the attitude. It's so rare to find a human that doesn't quiver in fear at the sight of us, but even rarer to find one that will fight back despite her fear." The guy practically purred at me, his teeth flashing in the dim lighting.

     "Well you see that's just not gonna work for me, I don't handle authority very well. Now if you don't mind I'm leaving, touch me again and I'll kill you." I said with a dangerous smile, my powers surfaced and instantly I was no longer human to them. They knew exactly what I was and that I could break them like twigs. "It's not the worst way to go out, I mean it's still death but at least it's death with a smile on your face." He sounded thoughtful and his tone threw me off guard, leaving me open for attack. The blonde woman had moved behind me silently and now pushed me hard. I went stumbling forward and fell right into the guy.

    "Leo, I believe you have something that is under my protection right now. Release her and Rena and yourself may leave unharmed." I had never been so relieved to hear a jerks voice before, Gage just gained ten point for helping me out. Although he's still in the negatives because his bar is a cesspool of STD'S and criminals. He seriously needed to bring this place up to code otherwise he'd be shut down. "I should've known the Succubus had grabbed your attention, how much do you want for her?" Mr. Hands sighed, before offering to buy me like some rare pet. Since he was so grabby he was officially Mr. Hands not Leo.

     "She's not for sale Leo, if you want her then compete for the title. Oh wait, your engaged to Rena so you can't. Leave my bar now before I throw you out and revoke your membership." Gage hissed with smug satisfaction before walking right up and plucking me from Mr. Hands' grip. "Fine have it your way, mate." Leo ground out before shooting me a this-isn't-over look. But he did grab the blonde's hand and they left quietly. I was dragged back into the back room with the red couch by a pissed off vampire. He even had the nerve to push me onto the couch, despite my verbal protests.

     "You are not to ever leave this room without someone with you, otherwise you're free game to everyone out there. Unless you just want to give yourself away as a free ticket to the top I suggest laying low. Now follow me and stop complaining about my couch!" He yanked me back up and pulled me along behind him, through a door slightly hidden by a bookshelf. He led me through a dark hallway and down some stairs. Another door opened and he drew my inside an apartment. "You can stay here for now, just don't break anything and don't complain about my things. There's food in the fridge and if you need to snack on something else press this button and someone will come get you. Try not to feed on my staff, I like them loyal to me and not a newbie Succubus. There are clean sheets in the cabinet if you really feel the need to sleep. Just don't hurt yourself and take a shower. Violet left some clothes for you in the bathroom. I'll be back later so please don't try to run back home to Mommy." He lectured, giving me a stern look with stormy eyes. I flipped him off and watched him leave, this was going to be fun. But first things first before I destroy his apartment I need food.

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