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I awoke to the crawling sensation of eyes on me. I jolted, ready to fight, only I came face to face with the giant, Nathaniel. He was grinning at my extreme reaction, finding amusement in my fear. I fought back a snarky comment, if only to avoid getting into a fight I would clearly lose. "Rise and shine, Darling. Foods ready, then it's off to work for you." He practically dragged me out of bed, but the second he saw I was still wearing the clothes I had been kidnapped in he clicked his tongue. Without another word he disappeared into a closet and came back with a pair of sweatpants and a large shirt, there was also undergarments consisting of a sports bra and panties. I grimaced, fighting back a shudder of disgust. He led me out of the room and down the hall three doors, into a bathroom.

"Let me guess I have ten minutes, any longer and you'll drag me out?" I snapped rudely, before slamming and locking the door in his face. I heard him murmur something like "sassy chit" underneath his breath and chose to ignore him. I turned on the water and stripped down quickly, not wanting to test my luck. I was washing my hair when I heard the door click open, slowly I peaked around the shower curtain, it was Sam. Suddenly I was furious, I started yelling at him loudly.

"Get the fuck out of here! Obviously I locked the door to keep you little shits out! You disgusting pig, stop staring and get out!" To my utter surprise he looked just as shocked as I had been. His mouth gasped open like a catfish and he seemed unable to form words. His face turned pink but he still didn't leave. I watched as the door opened behind him and Nathaniel bodily dragged him out, mumbling an apology to me.

I finished my shower uninterrupted after that incident. I dressed in the baggy sweatpants and nearly laughed at how loose the shirt was. I used my fingers to comb my long hair as I walked out of the bathroom. Nathaniel gave me a nod of approval before taking my wrist in his grasp and leading me down the maze of halls. Once in the kitchen he made me a plate of food as though I were a small child, incapable of doing anything myself. I glared at him, especially when he explained I was only allowed to eat with a spoon. Apparently I wasn't trusted to not stab someone with a fork....or a butter knife. I ate my omelet in silence as around me at the table constant chatter when on. My eyes locked onto a small familiar form. That little trickster! He didn't even look sheepish, just happy.

"You little jerk, you tricked me. I honestly wanted to help you, and you got me kidnapped! It's your fault I'm here, you little monster!" I exclaimed, resisting the urge to launch myself over the table to get to the little boy. All eyes were on me, but I didn't even notice I was seeing red.

"Aspen! Stop intimidating the child." Sam chided me, as though I were overreacting. I snapped, standing up and hearing my chair crash to the floor. My hand connected with Sam's cheek for the second time in twenty four hours. I heard a very feminine gasp fill the air and I glanced by the stove. I was stunned to see a petite blonde, her hair cut short and her eyes a light brown. In my moment of distraction Sam grabbed me, I screamed in fury as I was slung over his shoulder painfully.

"Let me go you Asshat! I'll kill you! You monster, stop fucking touching me!" I hissed, pounding my fist against his back, I even raked my nails down his skin until I drew blood. I heard a door kick open before I was tossed to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Before I could move he kicked me, nailing me on my right side. I fought for breath as he kicked me again, hearing two of my ribs crack was the most frightening sound I had ever heard. Agony drilled into my body like vengeful ghosts. While I lay immobile, I felt rather than saw him place rope around my wrists, he forced me to my feet and tied the rope to a metal hook on the ceiling he pulled the rope until my feet were about a foot of the ground. Pain stabbed through my shoulder blades as I dangled above the floor. I screamed in pain as his hands touched my swelling side, poking the broken ribs hard. Tears of pain streamed down my face, mixing with blood along the way.

".....Monster." I whispered out, meeting his eyes boldly. His open hand hit my bruised face loudly, sending my head snapping to the side and causing my body to sway in the air.

"You will stop your disobedience, your insults will no longer be tolerated. You will do everything I tell you to do, starting with tutoring Christian. You will not guilt him or accuse him of aiding in your kidnapping again. In fact if you bring it up on more time I will kill you and send your body to your mother in pieces on your birthday each year." He was deadly serious, his voice clear and strong on each threat. I started trembling in fear, feeling my chest tighten in terror. I nodded my head slightly to show I understood and a chill raced through me as he grinned. I cringed back as he stepped closer, his body pressed along the curves of my own. He didn't notice my shudder of disgust as his fingers traced down my face gently.

"See how things are so much better when you listen." He whispered in my ear, lips touching my ear softly. I fought back more tears as I stared straight ahead blankly. I whimpered softly as his mouth crushed mine, I fought to remain impassive. He didn't seem to notice that I wasn't responding but luckily the torture ended quickly. I cried out in anguish as he just left the room, not untying me from my dangling torture. Pain radiated from my arms as the strain of my own body weight pulled against them. My ribs still pulsed in agony and I was all alone, left with nothing but sheer pain to occupy my thoughts.

How long is he going to leave me here? Am I going to die? If I'm just for ransom then why is he kissing me and making me tutor a child? Why does it seem as though I'm here for his pleasure and not money? It's as though he's making me a "life" here that I'm just supposed to except without argument. Is that what the other girl is here for too? Did she not fight? Is she happy here? Would she help me escape?

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