I like you Winter Rodriguez.

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I like you Winter Rodriguez.

No, there weren't any wild animals nor were there any bad people or humans or whatever. It was just the wind that made the bushes shook. Yeah, I watched too many movies, hence I was being too dramatic.

I stood up brushing the dust off myself and headed straight ahead. After walking aimlessly for what felt like hours, I sat under a tree as the sky got darker and began to drizzle. It was so fucking cold and I didn't had anything to keep myself warm with. I sighed watching and waiting for someone to notice I'm missing and come looking for me.

I don't know why, but deep inside I believed that the devil is looking for me and I should wait for him. I felt so stupid for running out like a child who just lost an argument. Had I not ran off, I would be inside enjoying my dessert and coffee feeling all warm and fuzzy.

I wonder what made him so pissed. Everything was well and good before but suddenly he had to change his mood and ruin everything. Is this the type of man I like? What's good about him that I'm heedlessly falling for? He's the root to all my problems but there ain't a solution without him either.

I sighed picking up a stick nearby and drawing random shapes and patterns on the damped mud. Realizing that just waiting for them won't help me, I stood up and started walking again. By now, it was raining heavily but I was too bored to stay under a tree doing nothing until help arrives. The flowers looked more beautiful at nightfall, that's for sure. If only I had my camera with me so I could take beautiful pictures.

By now I was completely drenched and soiled up. I probably look like some kind of lake monster but what can be done. Far off distance, I saw some kind of light. I ran towards that direction yelling "Enrique! Enrique!" The light came closer and closer to my vision and there he was all drenched with relief written all over his face.

"Winter!" he hugged me before I could utter something else other than his name. "I thought I lost you. I'm so thankful you're safe. " he whispered out of breath and I hugged him back tightly, crying on his shoulder. The rest of the men came from behind and he gave me his already wet coat.

"It's better than nothing. " he shrugged when I looked at him with questionable eyes. He hold my hand tightly until we reached the restaurant. Mr Waller came with towels and requested we stay back for the night at his place. There wasn't enough room so we had to share one bedroom.

Enrique agreed saying I need my sleep since I must be exhausted and not to lie, I was very exhausted. We head out to his house and entered the guest room. Enrique asked me to shower and he left the room without saying anything else. I nodded my head and went in to shower. When I was almost done, there was a knock on the door. "Yes?" I questioned. "I brought some change of clothes, I'll keep it on the bed." he said and I thanked him.

When I came out, he wasn't in the room. There was a new pair of undergarment on the bed and a plain black t-shirt and shorts which were twice my size. My face heat up when the undergarments fitted me perfectly. How did that pervert know my size? I didn't put on the short because it came off right after I wore it and there was no string to adjust the size.

The t-shirt itself came up to my knees so I simply put that on and got under the covers. After sometime, Enrique entered and went directly to the washroom. Later on he came out with nothing but a small towel covering his family jewel. I didn't want to stare at him, but damn! His body was built well and the water droplets on his body made him look super sexy.

"Like what you see?" he said with that stupid smirk on his face. I covered my face with the duvet immediately as my face turned bright red. "You wish."   I said in a muffled voice. I could hear him chuckle softly. There was a min of silence and later I could feel a pressure on the other side of bed. I uncovered my face and I could see him sitting next to me already starring at me.

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