"Somebody's hungry."

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"Somebody's hungry."

Nothing happened surprisingly and the day at the office was so peaceful it made me so insecure. It was like the calm before the storm. He didn't even called me once to his cabin neither did I saw him exiting from his cabin. His slut.. Oops! I mean secretary was also in a very cranky mood as I heard she wasn't permitted to enter his cabin.

He was inside the whole day and I felt slightly bad for him. He is a man of great ego and pride so getting hit by a woman accidentally or not must have inflicted great injury to his ego and pride. I know I never did that intentionally, I mean if he behaved like a good boy and not shut the door he would've never received that hit.. Right?

I did get to see his playful side though. He is always serious and stiff , an empty shell but somehow he seem to be showing more colours than I expected. Now that I think about it, he was showing his childish behavior since he started making my life miserable by doing all sorts of pranks.

Today was no different. It's like he is trying to suppress the child in him but somehow ends up surfacing it. Can I become a psychologist? Anyway, his behavior today seems quite off and it's making me more and more anxious. I have every right to not apologize but maybe my apology might make him feel better.
Since when do you care Winter? He asked for it. Well yeah he did but... Okay I'm talking to myself again.

I said my goodbyes to Barbs, S&J and went home. There was no one home and no dinner. I just remembered Camma won't be home for a week which means the Devil has a whole week to murder me, hide my body and erase all evidences. Why did you have to go today Camma?

I showered and changed into my comfy clothes. Since someone has to cook the dinner, I took the initiative. I mean the Devil ain't gonna cook and he doesn't care even if I did or not. So I decided to go for Indian because I was carving Indian and not because the Devil loves Indian food and not because I feel so bad I wanted to see him happy. No. It's for me.

Feeling satisfied with the dishes I made, I placed them at the dinner table and went to watch Psychic. My favorite series so far. Are you sure it's just that and not because you're waiting for someone to dine together? Came that annoying voice. It's kind of creepy sometimes isn't it? Trust me I'm not a psycho. Or am I? Just kidding.

I don't know when I feel asleep but when I woke up, it was already too dark. I went to the kitchen to get some water when I saw a figure sitting near the counter. If this was a horror movie or if there was a murderer I would've went inside saying who's there? And try to grab a not so helpful object to defend myself but it's reality.

I turned on the lights and it was no other than the Devil drinking water with his eyewear on. I wanted to laugh so bad because of his get up and the fact that I can clearly see the red mark. I felt bad too, kind of. I don't know if he was staring at me or not because of his eyewear but he definitely was facing me.

"I'm sorry you match perfectly with the darkness that I didn't saw you." I grinned taking a sit. "Funny." He remarked. "What's up with your eyes? Something happened?" I mused and I can feel his hot glare at me but I can't be sure. "A wild animal on loose attacked me." He smirked. "Too bad even wild animals feels threaten by you though you guys are from the same clan." I smirked and his fell.

He was about to say something when there was a very loud dying whale sound and it clearly didn't came from mine. Yup! You guessed it right. The devil's stomach was growling. I wish I had a cam recorder to record all his embarrassing moments. I chuckle making him glare at me.

"Somebody's hungry." I teased and he gave a sharp look. I ignored him since I'm so used to it. I took out our plates and placed it on the dinner table. He sat at his place on the dining room and stared at the food without saying anything. He didn't reject neither did he complained. I took out my share and started digging in.

The devil was looking at me as if I did something wrong. "What?" I asked. "Where's mine?" he replied. "What do you mean by where is yours? The food is on the table so help yourself." I said. What was he waiting for? Did he really thought that I will serve him in a golden platter and spoon feed him? What is he? Five?

*Author's note: matured content ahead. Read at your own risk.*

He glared at me but I didn't budge. He sighed and served himself. We ate in complete silence except for the noise from the spoons and forks. The next thing I know I was quickly handing out a glass of water to the devil. He was coughing mercilessly with tears in his eyes when the eyewear fell off.

I ran to get some milk from the fridge and made him drink it. He slowly calmed down and I heaved a sigh of relief. He glared at me like I planned this whole scenario. No I didn't and besides I didn't add much spices too because he ain't used to spices though he claims to love Indian food. How I know? Camma.

"where you trying to kill me?" he yelled at me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised by his sudden action. I nearly jumped off my wits when he screamed at me. "You think this is funny? All these?" he was very mad at me though I did nothing wrong. "You think just because I was nice to you for once, you can do whatever you like and I'll be okay with it?" he slammed his fist at the table.

Here I am worried if he hurt his hand in anger while he is probably planning a murder. "Answer me bitch!" he yelled. Oh no! You can't call me that when I've been nothing but good to you. "What did I do to you? Why are you mad at me?" I asked out if curiosity and with a hit of anger.

"Don't act all innocent with me! All women are the same. Treat them well once and they think they own everything in this world." he nagged. "Excuse me! First of all, Shut up! Second of all, not all women are same.  Thirdly why the fuck are you mad at me?!" I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"You are a problem! In fact having you here is a problem! I don't want to see your god damn ugly face! I don't want to hear your ugly voice! I don't even want you to show your ugly self around me!" he screamed at me. Like literally screamed at me losing his composure. I was butt hurt. I thought I was used to hearing these kind of words but coming from him sounded thousand times more terrible.

It broke me all over again. I don't know why his words affected me so much but it did. Tears fell down without my consent as always. I didn't want the devil to have the feeling of satisfaction that he won. That he completely broke me this time but these tears betrayed me. "You don't know anything about me." I chocked even though I wanted to sound more stronger.

I wanted to disappear at that very moment. He got so angry he threw the things that were on the table, pushing the chair he sat on before very harshly and stormed out of the kitchen. All the food I made, all my efforts were splattered on the floor like my life. Mom. Dad. Why did you send me here? My legs became shaky and weak. It was like all the strength in my body suddenly disappeared and my legs gave out. I fell on the floor, holding onto the leg of the table cursing my life.

My tears couldn't seem to stop. Hot messy tears kept on falling, while I had several thoughts on my head. Mum said nothing bad happens to those who are kind and live an honest life. Why can't I be happy? Why does all the bad things keep on happening to me? I never thought about harming anyone in any way so why do I deserve this?

Thoughts and memories of my past came to me like a hurricane and they began to haunt me. Stop it! Please! No more! Please! Please! Stop it! I begged, I cried, I yelled but they never left me alone. Black dots appeared in front of my eyes and it wasn't long before I was pulled into the world of complete darkness.


Wew! Hello lovelies! How are you guys? I know I missed updating again didn't I? So to make up for the lost days, I'm here with another chapter. This one was a little dark wasn't it? But I hope y'all loved it.

I'm sorry I've been studying for university entrance exam which will be held on the first week of August. I'm so stressed out over it. 😭😭

Idk when I can update the next time but I hope y'all will still love and keep on supporting me. In case you had / have a rough day/ night, don't worry. You'll have a better day tomorrow. I'm always here to listen and support you.

You are valid and important. I love you. ❤❤❤

Until then, stay safe! ❤❤❤❤

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