He is smirking a lot today.

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He is smirking a lot today.

Barbara left the cabin after creating different theories as though why the Devil and I are a good match. I'm already exhausted explaining why her theories will forever remain a theory. I admit I don't hate him like I used to when we first met but that doesn't change the fact that he's still a devil that loves to toss me however he pleases.

A calendar was placed on the table next to my laptop and my my, it was really.... How should I say, colorful? The date was marked when I'll be leaving this place. I will miss this place probably. And of course my three musketeers. A soft smile spread my lips thinking of those three idiots I came to love so much. I don't know whether I'll miss the devil. I'll be more grateful if I stay away from him as far as possible.

My heart kind of aches when I think about that, I don't even want to know why. I erased the thoughts and started focusing on the work placed in front of me. I didn't know it was already lunch time had not my stomach protest. It growled so loudly, I turned around making sure no one saw it even though I was the only one in the room.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said stretching my arms. It was none other than the devil walking up straight to me. "what do you want?" I said starring at him in disbelief. "Why? Can't I come in and check on your progress?" he spoke coolly and took a seat.

"Well no... It's just umm strange to see you here." I smiled awkwardly. "Don't worry, I'll make it a habit so it won't seem strange for you anymore." he smirked. "What if I don't want to make it a habit?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "You don't have that choice sweetheart." he grinned.

I was lost hearing his choice of words. "Did you hit your head?" My eyes were wide open. "Easy there, your eyes are falling off its sockets." he chuckled. I was stunned hearing him chuckle. He was mad at me before but now he's chuckling? Is he bipolar? "No, I'm not." he said. "I said that out loud, didn't I?" I smiled sheepishly.

"Yes you did." he said shaking his head looking amused. "Something good happened?" I asked. "Well you can say that. " he smirked. "And?" I was actually waiting for an explanation. "And what?" he questioned. "Really?" I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me." he said playfully might I add, raising an eyebrow at me.

I did again just to get on his nerves. Yeah I'm an annoying person sometimes. He sighed leaning on the seat. "You always ask for the wrong things, don't you?" he said staring right at me. "Maybe, maybe not." I shrugged. "Why are you here anyway?" I asked folding my arms.

"you've got a nice way to seduce me. " he smirked. At first I didn't know what he was saying but after a while I realised what he was saying. My cleavage was showing very distinctly. I blushed and hastily tried to cover it. He chuckled looking at me getting all flustered. "You know if you want me, you can just say it." he said smugly. "You're such a pervert. " I glared at him.

"Am I?" he smirked. What's with him and smirks.? He got up from his seat and walked closer to me. He bent down trapping me between his arms. "what do you want?" I said in a rather squeaking voice. "I'm a pervert you say?" he said leaning his head towards mine. Is he going to kiss me? Oh no no. We just inches away, I could feel his hot minty breath on my skin. My heart was beating like crazy.

I was frozen in my seat. I put my hand on his hard chest to try pushing him away but I couldn't. He held down my hands and I was unable to move even a lil bit. He was coming closer and my mind stopped working. I could almost feel his lips when he got a call. He let go of my hands and muttered something under his breath. He took his cell and answered.

I sighed a sigh of relieve. He was busy talking on the phone, his back turning to my side. My heart was beating like crazy. What the hell just happened? We would've kissed if he didn't had that call. I calmed myself down and tried my best to compose myself. He ended his call and turned around. He looked a little flustered or is it just me seeing things.

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