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Tony's POV

It had been a fortnight (two weeks for anyone who has no clue what that is) before I heard back from Bucky. Two weeks since my daughter had been placed back in that god awful cell. I visited her everyday, yet nothing seemed to changed. She always seemed to be overtaken by that thing Hydra made her.
I had just gotten back to the tower when Bucky called me.
"Bucky, have you heard from your 'friends' as you call them?" I said quickly, praying that they would be able to help us.
"Yeah, I've got some good news and some bad news. What would you like to hear first?"
I sighed, there always had to be a catch. "Just give to me straight, please, I'll do anything."
"Well, the good news is that they want Leah to go for the treatment. All transport and stuff provided, she'll be picked up from the helipad at the tower, a week from now. Bad news, the treatment is highly experimental, it kind of merges the two personalities instead of destroys Asset L. You also won't be able to go. It's in Wakanda, I might be able to convince them into allowing you to go or getting calls or something but it could take a while."
I wouldn't be able to go? How was I supposed to make sure she was getting better? And Wakanda? No ones even been there before, their air space is forbidden and they'd only just revealed their ridiculous wealth. "Bucky, I'm going to ask you one thing, do you think that this will help Leah?"
"They helped me, I'm sure they can help her."
"Then we'll have to try it. Tell them that she'll take the treatment."
"Okay. And Tony,"
"You're doing the right thing."
Bucky then hung up. I had a meeting with Pirate Boy to make.

3 days later, Fury and I had the meeting. It was in SHIELD's main facility where Leah was being held. Bucky has come along to to tell him the main gist of the treatment. He'd gone over it all with me and how it was mostly gradual treatment by keeping the patient in a constant area and not isolating them, etc.
       "Tony, Barnes, come in." Fury said, motioning the two into his office. As we sat down, a ginger cat jumped into Fury's lap. "So, tell me about your plan."

        Fury nodded throughout the meeting, petting the cat frequently, as though to keep it calm. "So, your plan is to send Leah to Wakanda to get an experimental treatment in combining two dual personalities that has only successfully been done once, on a one hundred year old World War Two veteran. And you expect me to seriously believe that this could work?"
        "To be fair, it is Wakan-" Bucky interrupted.
         "Sir, I know the people. They helped me recover from what Hydra did to me and I truly believe they can do the same for Leah. She's in good hands, trust me."
          Fury sighed, clearly contemplating his options. It was either wait until Leah came back out of Asset L or combine the two to create an amalgamation of the two. "I suppose we could try a month of this treatment. If she shows improvement then we will allow the treatment to continue, if not, she will return and have counselling from our SHIELD therapists. Thats the deal, okay?"
"Deal." I said, shaking Fury's hand, the cat wondering off elsewhere in the facility.

Four days later at exactly noon, Leah, or Asset L, were on the helipad waiting for the aircraft to arrive. Leah was being escorted by two top level SHIELD agents at her side and multiple armed gunmen. I found it slightly humorous that they were so scared of a 16 year old girl, but then again I was biased.
Eventually the craft showed up, six or so Dora Milaje marched off the craft followed by a teenager wearing space buns and some sci-fi looking outfit.
"Hello, I'm Shuri, Princess of Wakanda. I'll be supervising Leah's treatment. Now, why's she in chains, that can't be good for her." She said, walking towards Leah.
"Ma'am, we would recommend you stay away from her, she's highly unstable and is currently in her Asset L state." One of the agents state.
"Oh," Shuri said, clearly disappointed. "Well, let's get her on the craft, begin the treatment tomorrow." The Dora Milaje swiftly surrounded Leah and transported her onto the craft and sat her on the bench. "We'll be back in a month to pick you guys back up, in the meantime imma yeet myself away!" Soon the aircraft was flying away.
I have one month until I see my daughter again.

Hi guys.
I have no excuse as to why this chapter is so late.
I hope you enjoyed this.
I also apologise for the next couple of chapters, it's gonna be a big oof...

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