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Bit of a filler chapter for Halloween! Hope y'all enjoy it!

Leah's PoV
It had been a while since the cinema incident, and finally the media circus over it had died down significantly. It was settled pretty quickly, is paying the family for the damages and apologising profusely. The boy also apologised to me, saying he didn't realise something like that could happen.
But back to the subject of Halloween. I hadn't celebrated it since before my mother moved on with Him, and a majority of them I was homeless, so only got to watch the kids take part in it. Needless to say, I was excited. Lilith came over and we got changed into our costumes, her being an angel, and myself a demon. The Avengers (well those still at the tower) had all decided to go as each other. Natasha was going as Bucky, Bucky as Clint, Clint going as Steve and Steve as Natasha. And let me say, Captain America in a skin tight black widow costume was absolutely hilarious.
Dad and Bruce were working that night, so the six of us decided to go trick or treating, mainly for the candy. We all got bright blue buckets with the Avengers symbol on it, most of us crying because it looked exactly like the one on Spangles' uniform.
We all got in the elevator, and I was bouncing like a small child, excited to actually celebrate Halloween like I'd seen so many children do over the years. Lilith held my hand as we walked out the elevator into the lobby. We walked out of the tower, narrowly avoiding the onslaught of people making their way to avengers tower, which, as everyone knew, gave out the best treats on Halloween.
We wandered through the city, knocking on doors and collecting candy as we wove our way through New York.
I was really enjoying it, and so it seems was the rest of the group.
The orange festive decorations were happy and the moon was cloaked by the clouds, giving the spooky, yet jolly atmosphere of Halloween.
Of course, we got stopped by little kids and fans of the Avengers to take photos with the team. Me and Lilith were practically bawling our eyes out when one of the women slapped Bucky's ass, making an especially loud sound thanks to the leather trousers.
Eventually though, we had to get back. Lilith was staying over the night, so we grabbed takeout on the way back, Thai food for those of you wondering.

When we did finally get back, we practically had to drag dad and Bruce out of their lab to eat. The food was quickly served up and eaten before the guys decided to watch a scary film. Me and Lilith however retreated to my room, where we snuggled up in my bed and put on some movies
"I'm so glad I met you." Lilith smiled, bringing my head further into her chest.
"Me too. I don't know what I'd do without you." I responded honestly, causing her to giggle and kiss me on the forehead.
We went silent before I wriggled further under the covers to go to sleep, being tired from the excitement of Halloween. She played with my hair and as my eyes slowly fluttered close, I could hear her quietly singing, soothing me into my slumber.

Happy Halloween guys! I hope you enjoyed this small filler chapter! Have a good one!

Leah Stark - The Unknown ChildWhere stories live. Discover now