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Trigger Warning - Alcohol Abuse
- Suicidal thoughts
- Human Trafficking

Tony's POV
It had been a week, a god damn week since she went missing. The video containing what might have happened to my daughter had been tampered with. All video of her after she entered the bathroom had been deleted. The only clue we had was a van that had sped out of the house during the hours, but the plates were from a car that had been stolen, so the lead dropped. I had nothing.
We called on the media, I plead for my daughters safe return on national TV, loosing all of my dignity and pride. I cried every night. Pepper had come down to Malibu where I had decided to stay, believing I would find her easier if I stayed.
I rarely left the house, using all of my time and energy searching security cameras for any trace. Using anything, everything to get her back.

One month after the disappearance

The police told me it was time to be thinking of the worse. They said they were going to start searching the area for her body. I had to hold back vomit in my mouth as tears leaked from my eyes and cascaded down my face.
I drank a lot that night. I drank until I passed out. Pepper didn't stop me either, she joined me. She was just as attached to Leah as I was and now we were being told to that our daughter, the person we loved more than anything in the world was probably dead. We cried so much. Eventually, Natasha came back. I think she knew that someone who wasn't devastated needed to be with us, mainly to make sure I didn't throw myself of a cliff or that Pepper didn't end up in a hospital.
She took care of us, making us meals that were not take out and forcing us to eat at regular times rather than starving ourselves until our bodies couldn't throw anything up. She kept saying she was still alive, how could she not be, after all the shit she went through as a kid, Leah wasn't giving up anytime soon.
I didn't believe her. There was no trace, nothing to even prove she was okay. I wanted anything to prove she was okay, a ransom note would have been the worlds greatest gift to me, proof that it would all be okay, proof that she would walk through that front door and I could hug my daughter, my baby, and tell her everything was going to be okay. The ransom note that I so desperately wanted never came.

Leah's POV
I cried, huddled into the corner of the cage I was in. Before I was shoved in I was scrubbed down by maids and my hair was put in an intricate braided style. The dress they made me wear was long and scratchy. I had no idea where in the world I was, but it had taken well over a month to get here, wherever that was.
It was almost pitch black and I could hear the sobs of the other girls I had learned were also taken, just like me. I was lucky however. My father made me a high quality product, and so I was treated with some humanity, unlike the others who had to have community showers and I had heard stories of what some of the men who took them had done to violate them. It scared me, however I was almost always out of the cage, surrounded by the women who were considered not pretty enough or not important enough to sell and became maids of the people being sold. I had cried every night still, I didn't want to be sold, I wanted to go home.
One by one each cage was opened and who ever was in it was taken into the auction room, if they weren't bought, they were put into the kitchen and made slaves of our kidnappers while those bought were put into the waiting area, in a cage and were forced to wait for their new 'master'. I had to be strong.
My eyes had adjusted to the darkness more and I saw in the cage next to me a girl around 7 or 8, sobbing, begging to go home. I crawled over, and attempted to get her attention.
"Hey," my voice croaked. I hadn't spoken to anyone in so long. "It's okay. I promise you, I won't let anyone hurt you. I'll fight them if they do anything to you. Maybe we'll go to the same place and if we do, I'll look after you."
The girls tears dried, and she looked up at me. "What's your name?"
"I'm Leah, what's your name?" I replied softly, being careful not to draw anyone's attention, knowing it was one way to get yourself hit.
"My names Hannah, but people usually just call me Han."
"Well then Han, don't cry, think of it like a big adventure. We have no idea where we are going to go and who we are going to meet. So if you think about it, it's kind of like a holiday without your parents."
"I guess, I just wanna see my mummy again."
"I know kid, I know." I replied, hearing a twinge of sadness in my voice.

Slowly but surely more and more girls were pulled out of the cages, and soon it was Hannah's turn.
"I don't wanna go Leah."
"I know, you'll be fine. I promise, just think of it like a holiday!" I called before she was whisked around the corner. I never saw her again, so I never new what became of poor Hannah, but I have a feeling she is living a full life, with people who care for her.
Then as I was pulled out I hear an announcement for me being made.
"An finally, to end of this auction of girls we have an extra special product. Over this month she had made headlines for her disappearance, and now Ladies and Gentlemen, you know just where she is. The gorgeous Miss Leah Stark is now up for sale!" I hear the voice exclaim as the doors opened and a bright whit stage light shine in my eyes.

Unknowns POV
"Sir, we have the correct information, would you like me to make an offer?" One agent said as the girl walked onto the stage.
"Make one for $50 million, stir up the competition, but remember we must get her." I replied, gritting my teeth while sitting in the run down office of the Moscow base.
The offer was made and I could see through my camera that most of the people there were shocked. Good, if no one could match the price, I could make a weapon that no avenger could destroy, the ultimate soldier would be mine.

Ooooh! The new chapter is here and you guys seem to have been really enjoyed the last chapter! I'm sorry for this depressing chapter, but honestly it's gonna get better, I promise, we'll eventually.
Do you think Tony will ever find his kid? Do you think Leah will keep fighting? Who do you think Unknown is? Will Leah escape before she can be used?
I guess we will find out soon!

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